Sex Restriction

He stood there, licking his lips knowing that this whore was his. He took his hand high up and pow! Her ass was beet red. He loved the fact that she was dripping wet on his lap. “Please, Master stop. It hurts.” She begged him, tears falling down her cheeks. “Please, I’m sorry. I’m a … Read more

Widder Jenkins

This story is based on the language and customs of the mid 19th Century in the USA. Widder Jenkins. Jarvis wasn’t doin nothin. He was just riding into town from the East when Sheriff Wade spotted him. “Hey you!” Wade shouted, “Come here boy.” Jarvis didn’t like being called “Boy”, it was better than bein … Read more

The Princess Steps Out (Part 2)

Her scream of release was deep and harsh and piercing; even the gag couldn’t conceal it. The cool air made her sweaty body shiver, and it continued to shake and twitch as little tremors ran up her spine. She gasped and panted, like a long distance runner after a hard race; her throbbing cunt keeping … Read more

Missing Mom – Show Time at the Black Club

Every night men, drunken loud men would come down the stairs banging on her door. “HOE, your day is coming.” “We gonna git You Soon.” Jolene buried her head in the pillow trying to block out the noise. Jolene just lay in the bed hoping someone would come and rescue her. On the third day … Read more

The dating game

The Dating Game I cant believe my friends don’t this they set me up on this blind date sorta thing where its set in this coffee shop and the guys are sitting at a table there is about six tables and its booked there is enough room for one more girl well you have ten … Read more

Our Night Out – Part 2

While we were getting dressed in the cool night air beside the open rear door of my van she had told me about the after party she suspected was going on at Nancy’s houses. Nancy lived alone in a house past the edge of town and whatever the girls did after a night at the … Read more

Christina Taken 2-3

Christina Taken 2 Christina was sitting at her desk. She had managed to avoid Jordan all morning. Now it was time for him to leave and he was standing in front of her. “Five minutes,” was all he said before leaving the department. Christina was torn about going to meet him, but she knew she … Read more

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter 11 – The Owlery

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Eleven – The Owlery Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Spellbook of Desires was now in the … Read more

The Pimp Recruits a New Bitch

The Pimp It was about half past four, hot as hell, I’m kicking back outside my condo in South Central when I see this convertible crawling down the street towards me. It stops and this white dude, skinny, with gelled blonde hair and these super-dark shades leans out and gives me a shit-eating grin. “My … Read more

A Lake of Fire, Chapter One

A Lake of Fire, Chapter One It was a mild day in Heaven, but then all days in Heaven were ‘mild’ – warm, with a light breeze, birdsong, the smell of not-too-distant meadows. Mild. And utterly boring. Dr. Martin Luther King was ready for some hot action. He was now fully engorged and congratulated himself … Read more

A shot in the night

Alice Lee skirted down a darkened alley, fear glimmering in her eyes. She had not seen her pusurers for some time, but she new better than to hope they had given up. They never gave up. Hearing a thump somewhere behind here, she glanced around frantically, and, spying an old rusted dumpster, dived behind it. … Read more

Jodi’s Story Part 3

Jodi’s Story Part 3 Settling into Married Life After our honeymoon in Hawaii we arrived back home and settled into work. Jodi’s fabric store was doing OK and my work was busy all the time. After a week home Jodi showed me an e-mail from Phillip. It turns out he was travelling down our way … Read more

Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 5: Daughter’s Sexy New Jewelry

“Drone control must be having trouble piloting,” Mindy’s father said, the three of them watching the screen, following the progress of their new Goddess, Bess Atwater. Mindy found her fascinating. She was such an inspiration. A Goddess who used the powers granted her by the Halo, the device created by the very Institute of Apotheosis … Read more