Cousin Bob. Part 1

“Honey, you’ll be good for Uncle Lou and Aunt Reese right?” Mom asked half rhetorically. “Yes, mom I’ll be good.” I said as she kissed my forehead then jumped into the car, dad only yelling bye and waving before peeling out of Uncle Lou’s driveway and speeding off in the direction of the airport. “Sweetie … Read more

Dead man’s pearl (chapters1-5)

Chapter 1) The mayor was puffed up and pompous, and had it not been for the circumstances it might even have been funny. He cleared his throat importantly and read their names, as it was customary. This formality was hardly needed and their names were surely no secret. Still he made and impressive ceremony of … Read more

The Innocent Asian Teen Slave: Morning Blowjob (finale)

When the last man left the party, it was just Liam and his petite Asian slave again. She was lying in a fetal position on the ground, passed out with her mouth open in a pool of cum around where she sucked dick and couldn’t swallow all the cum. Sophia’s ass and pussy continued to … Read more

Voyages of Kes

Terms: Star Trek Voyager was a Sci-Fi TV show in the 90’s about a space ship trapped in unfamiliar part of space far from Earth and struggling to get home. Kes was an alien from a species called Ocampa. She had large pointy ears and a blonde pixie hair cut. She had very large breasts … Read more

Whites vs. Blacks – Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle?- Part 1

It was a hot summer day in California. All these hot girls, so little time, Justin Thinks to himself. Now Justin isn’t that great looking, but that doesn’t matter because he is a black pornstar (He is well hung). Last week Justin got engaged to a black skater from Los Angeles, named Kitty. Kitty hates … Read more

Futa Naked In School 03 – Futa MVP’s Reward Chapter 3: Futa MVP Claims Her Reward

The stadium cheered. Roared. I shuddered as I watched the game naked, my left breast painted purple, my right gold. My sister bounced, equally naked and painted in our college’s colors, beside me. Her arm pumped in the air as Shelena, the futa-quarterback, fell back for another play. The Mares blitzed her. Defenders broke past … Read more

New Jock Tales Chptr 3 Shphomore Year–13″ and a Ducati

New Jock Tales—Sophomore Year—CH 3—13” and a Ducati About 10:30 there was a knock at the door. “What the fuck” It was Mark Mattox, and he said he had a new deal for me, if I was interested. I said sure, but this deal had nothing to do with sex. He said I would be … Read more


Pete Tyler knew he was asking for trouble when he slid open the unlocked window. But without a moment’s hesitation slipped inside of the unoccupied house. Only two weeks out of prison and here he was back prowling homes in search of jewelry, money, or anything else of value that he could be hidden under … Read more

Uncle Ash: Part 1 + Prologue

Prologue As Lori sat in the diner booth, reading the menu again, she swung her feet back and forth beneath the seat. Her sandals clicked against her soles as she tried to alleviate her boredom. How long had it been since her mother excused herself to the bathroom? How many times had the waitress come … Read more

Terror After the prom

Ling Hui (44) and her daughter Jenny (18) driving home after the prom saw flashing lights ahead. The police directed them down a detour to avoid the accident site. As they detoured through an old industrial area, Ling Hui thought how pleased she was about the prom. She had remained by Jenny’s side throughout just … Read more

Ripe For Picking – Part 2

I met Jerome outside Woodford railway station, in the car park, the day after my visit to the clearing in the wood. ‘We have a problem, Kevin,’ he said softly. ‘The pigs [police] have turned up in force and are searching the wood. Apparently, someone’s gone missing from the local loony bin.’ A police car … Read more

Missing Coed

Please Rate and comment Hannah was glad the weekend had arrived, she needed to unwind with all the pressure from school. She checked herself out in the mirror. “Hmmm, need to watch the weight but looking pretty good.” She had on a pair of Jeans and cute blouse. “No, I need something else.” She tossed … Read more

I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt. 7

Amanda and Kiya woke up early the next morning and kissed me goodbye before they went to get ready for the day. I slept in a little longer, then got out of bed to clean up the mess I made the night before. After I was finished, I checked the time and saw the date. … Read more

It’s True About Black Men

Incredible, as a normal heterosexual white male, i never believed the rumors that black penises were bigger than ours, but i was proven ever so wrong one day on a walk to a friend’s house. Being well educated and from the suburbs, i nearly never meet inner city people, much less the gangsters and thugs … Read more

still nitemare part 1 of 2 parts

-+ 2018 THE NIGHTMARE CONTINUES Jan 15th and she gets the call , this time he fucks her in the back of his sisters tahoe and she is claiming she didn’t come..PFFttttt !! Yeah right then that’s the first time… Anyway she says he owes her now of course… to be continued Jan 20th and … Read more