It Came From My Dreams

I turned the water off and reached for the towel I had left for myself but it was gone *dammit* I thought my brother was probably playing a trick on me. I stood there letting most of the water run down my body gliding down my soft skin. I jumped out and didn’t bother throwing … Read more

Cherry Falls

So, there I was, in the bastard’s basement, tied to a chair alongside my father, the deputy sheriff. I was to be one of the final victims of a serial killer known on Twitter as ‘ThatNiceGuyWithAKnife’, an account he used to scare the populace of our little town, and confuse the police as they searched … Read more

Quitting Smoking – chapter 4

– I opened the door and Rose said, “Hi Penny, this is my daughter Becky.” I pointed and motioned, “My daughter is Melissa, please come in.” Without another word, she walked to the living room and put in a video. I thought the naked man was extremely handsome with his short blonde hair, deep blue … Read more

After Rebecca I am ready for both my moms (Part ii)

After that clean break with Rebecca and Jessica things sort of got back to normal. But my perception of myself would never be the same again. I grew up mostly with an absentee father, my step-mom Kate and my sister, Jane. As far as I could remember Jane and I spent most of our weekends … Read more

Mom Regrets Me *-* I Fuck Her

*I enjoy writing just as much as I do reading. So I will propose this… If any of you enjoy this certain story and would wish me to write another one, then write me a story for me to read. And then I will write another one. The story you write doesn’t need to be … Read more

My Mother’s Hot Cunt

For as long as I can remember, Mum and I have always lived on our farm. I do all the hard chores for her. I can’t even remember my Father, but I can still clearly remember the first time I ever had the chance to spy on my Mother. She was in the bathroom, sitting … Read more


I had been on this adult website that was much like face book but all adult. Reading threads and messages from people I never met in real life, sharing experiences, being social. I had long given up hope of finding the one submissive I was looking for but still liked to stay in contact with … Read more

Just a little fun- Part2

Disclaimer* New writer, 20 years old, and not very confident. Please leave any comments but please leave all feedback positive. This is currently just a part of an idea I’m working on. If you guys like it and all works out I’m hoping to have at least 5 chapters Remember please keep all feedback positive … Read more

Passions of Innocents, Chapter 3 ( Momma Spills The Beans )

Keith emerged from the shower feeling good and smelling a little sweeter. He slid on a pair of fresh jeans and went into the kitchen to get a beer out of the box, discovering that he only had about 4 left. ‘Damn, now I gotta run into town and get some more, tomorrows Sunday and … Read more

Tom and Morgan “Growing Together” pt. 4

Growing Together Pt.4 Daddy/daughter Story… My Daddy’s cock suprised me when it fell across my lips. The weight alone was intimidating. Then I realized he wasn’t even erect, and I became a little apprehensive. It wasn’t that it was my Daddy’s penis, it was the size of it as compared to my tiny pussy. I … Read more