I love my son Danile (edited repost)

It was a hot summer day; the heat seemed to knock the air out of you when you walked outside. I naturally was outside laying by the pool in our back yard. Now, I have always considered myself a beautiful woman for being 43 years old. I have had many men tell me so through … Read more

Dirty Little Voyeur

They shut the door behind them, and immediately started tearing off one another’s clothes. Steve threw his wife’s blouse on the floor by the bed followed by her jeans, at the same time as she tugged his own trousers off, and then his shirt… her bra… his shorts… until they were naked. They needed this; … Read more

Sister’s helping hand (Pt4)

Continued from Pt3 When l was going back to my van after spunking over Dora and being watched by her husband Neal, l saw Annie going into her gate we began chatting, l informed her that Tina my sister had a girl. Annie started telling me about Sasha getting home at 1.30pm, she had no … Read more

Daddy’s Sweet Lil’ PUSSY Cat Pt 3

She sucked and she swallowed and it still ran out of the corners of her mouth and run down her chin and dripped onto her tits. “You did good cunt you are going to be a fantastic cocksucker. Something tells me you have done it before just not with a man’s dick.” “Yes Master Daddy … Read more

And The Dog Made Three PT6

Chapter 6 Jennifer polished her brother’s purple knob to a glossy luster, licked up and down his cock-shaft and lapped at his drained scumbags, gathering up the stray cum drops that had escaped her lips. When she drew her mouth away, she left the lad gasping like a landed fish. Her cunt-ring pulsed and rippled, … Read more

The Club, Ch. 6 – The Newsagents

The Club Chapter 6 – The Newsagents I had found initially when The Club and my position in it had been explained, I expected strangers everywhere to hand their cards and show me their keys to my chastity belt. Forcing me wherever I happened to be into some sex act. It was both humiliating, nerve-wracking … Read more

Little sister Kimmy Part 2

Well as I said in my first story my little sister Kimmy and I spent the rest of that first summer learning and teaching each other about our bodies. The one thing she would not let me do though was actually take her virginity. She had previously had the sex talk with mom and was … Read more

Danny has fun with Mom and Older Sister

Wendy Sylvester just stared at the ceiling and tried to think about anything but what was happening to her at the moment. Her husband Robert was laid on top of her and he was pumping away into her pussy. Robert was grunting like a pig as his fat belly slapped against her. When he thrusted … Read more

Brittany – Chapter One

It didn’t happen all at once. Like most things, it happened so gradually over time that I didn’t even put the pieces together that it was happening until much, much later. I don’t remember exactly when Nick started teaching me about rubbing, but it was sometime after my 18th birthday. I had just graduated from … Read more

meine Facebook-Gruppe 1,2 (german/deutsch)

Diese Storie basiert auf meinen echten Erlebnissen, ich hab sie aber teilweise abgeändert, damit sie eine bessere Storie abgibt und ich habe alle Nachnahmen geändert. Außerdem würde ich mich über faire Bewertungen und Kritik freuen. Es werden weitere Teile folgen. Kapitel 1: Facebook ist was wunderbares. Das wissen wir alle. Ich habe es bis zum … Read more

Charlie 1

My name is Charlie. The year I turned 18, my body filled out and it seemed as if overnight I had curves. My mom had to take me shopping for new bras and clothes because hardly anything fit anymore. I was 5′ 6″ and athletic from the dance I had been doing my whole life. … Read more

The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 24: Twincest (Part 1)

Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them? Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I … Read more

Measuring my cum pt3

Please read earlier chapters to enjoy best! * I had barely been able to concentrate on my lessons at college that day. I’d spent much of it with a semi hard-on just thinking about mom wanking me off that evening, and the sight of her in her underwear. By late afternoon, the ache in my … Read more

Breaking Out, Breaking In

The storm raged outside, rain beating relentlessly against the house and wind howling past the windows. We were lucky. The hurricane came ashore a hundred miles south of us, saving us from the brunt of its power. Our mother and father, at a church function even further south, in Florida, were safe too, but all … Read more