Swinging With Mommy – Part 1

[Hi, my name is Farhan. I am 19 years old, a Muslim boy living in Canada with my family which are my mom, my younger brother and younger sister. This happened recently and I’d thought I would share this experience with the world. When my Mom and I talked to one another, it would be … Read more

Amanda’s Park Lesson

“Do we have to do this, Daddy?” Amanda asked as they walked the paved pathway through the park. Already she felt ogling eyes fixing on her body, barely covered by the tiny sundress Daddy had insisted she wear today. She liked dressing like a whore sometimes—plunging necklines, tight gym shorts to highlight her round ass—but … Read more

Under the Thrall of Cock

Sarah twiddled with the pack of cigarettes in her hands, pondering whether or not she should smoke one more cigarette before she ventured down the road frequently traveled, which is quitting the stuff. Better not, she thought. She wanted to quit cold turkey. There were many attempts before in her 32 years of life, but … Read more


Erotic novels by Gail Holmes “PENNY” Paul leaned back in his seat gazing into the wing mirror; he was full of pride of his newfound pleasure. The powerful Landrover thought nothing of its load, although the train weight was incredibly high as the tourer was state of the art. The cost was incredible: but it … Read more

The Hotel Room_(0)

The wedding had been a blast! Our friends looked so happy, so in love as they exchanged their vows. Then it was off to the reception where the real fun began. The food was wonderful, the alcohol was free, and everyone was having a good time. My own wife looked great. I loved her in … Read more

When Did That Happen Parts 2

Part 3 Mary called me before I got home and she seemed to understand why I had left. I was back in my motor home by afternoon. Throughout the drive my troubled thoughts had kept me going but as the AC removed the heat from my home I lay down and dropped into a deep … Read more

Sharing the Love (part 2)

Following the breakthrough when Luke and his mother came to enjoy watching each other, Luke decided to increase the stakes by telling Andrea about his peeping and voyeurism. Andrea was initially shocked by her son’s admission but as she thought about it and Luke gave her some stories of his past, she got quite interested. … Read more