The Curse of Magic Mansion: Part 1

It was a dark and stormy night…. But that’s skipping ahead. The day had actually been quite pleasant. The Wilder family’s station wagon was parked on the side of the road, and Howard took a knee by the passenger-side wheel. “Yep,” he said. “Definitely a flat.” “Howard, we’re in the middle of nowhere,” his wife … Read more

Twins Times Two

Chad was bored. With capital letters. His wife was out of town for a girls weekend and he had the kids this weekend. Two sets of twins within a year of each other left Chad and his wife Heather busy all the time. Even though the twins were 18 and 19 now, they were still … Read more

Mom taking care of me 5

We had been home from the restuarant for about 20 minutes and I decided to upload the video from my phone. I sat down at the computer and plugged the phone up and the image that popped up on the screen was my moms ass and me standing behind her right when I started to … Read more

Little Sister’s First Gangbang

It was a week after my high school graduation, and my parents were away. So, of course, I threw a party. Nothing big – about 10 of us, equal parts boys and girls – and a lot of alcohol and pot. I was standing in the corner by the stairs with my girlfriend, Jenn. “Hey,” … Read more

My Photogenic Mom Chapter 14

14 Susan had finished her shower first and was sitting on the bed when Kathy came into the room to get her clothes. Susan stood up and looked at Kathy. I’m sorry about what happened with your husband the other day she said. Kathy said that no apology was necessary; she was not the first … Read more

Me and my Neice and Nephews Part 6

Our Next Threesome We had to wait about 2 weeks until the next chance we got to fuck. There was another Church event, and these two let on they did not want to go…wanted to stay home alone…and of course this was not an option…so me being the good guy, I volunteered to miss it … Read more

COUSINS –OUR STORY – Chapter 1revised

COUSINS – our story – Chapter 1 BACKGROUND TO OUR STORY………. Romance, incest, male/ female, softcore This story is a biography, based on fact (as best as I can remember – events that were unexpected, special and unforgettable) with interwoven fiction. It covers a number of years BACKGROUND TO OUR STORY………. It was 1992 when … Read more

Having It Both Ways, Part 3

In the previous part of this story, Janet (my lesbian partner) lovingly confronted me about my relationship with my twin brother, Stan, with whom I have been having hetero sex since we were children. I told her the truth (what a relief!) and she was curious about Stan’s wife, Emily, and about the whole incest … Read more

Nancy the Asian Prostitute_(0)

While traveling out of town for business, I decided to get a prostitute for some fun. Sometimes I will pick up women from the hotel bars, and on occasion I will get a prostitute to fulfill some fantasies. My favorite women are Asian. I love their small bodies. They remind me of teenage girls. My … Read more

Uncle, Mom and Me

This story is a bit twisted. Let me introduce the characters, Me-a little fat boy(20 years) my mother-village and old fashioned type who still know nothing of sex other than something done by a husband resulting in a son. I am the only son. The incident so happened that like usual my mom used to … Read more

Dave finds a book part 2

Dave 2 Julie put the pizza on the dining table and headed back to the bedroom. Dave was coming out having gotten his wardrobe malfunction under control and stopped dead. “Did you really answer the door like that?” ” Yes!” she said with an evil grin “I think his cock almost exploded.” She pressed her … Read more

Alexandra’s Dildo and her Little Brother 5

I pulled the pillows from under the sheets placed them against the wall and placed my back over them as I looked down at the mass amount of cum that was covering my pussy. I slowly started to rub the sticky goo covering my pussy around and I constantly licked my hands as I adored … Read more

Late night screenings – Ch.1

It was 1:30 in the morning and I was walking down the hall towards the TV room when I saw the lights flashing from the TV set through the glass door. I couldn’t sleep and figured I’d treat myself to some late night blue movie but my plan soon changed as I found my sister … Read more

Mom’s Cum Tribute

I have a very hot mother. My friend’s tell me that, but I never needed their approval. She used to model full time for a career but stopped for a while to be a mother. She worked her ass off getting back in shape and now models part-time. Nobody can guess her real age she … Read more