Titcage (Chapter 27)

Chapter 27 TWO WEEKS LATER, AGAIN Claire couldn’t believe how different her life had become since she started working at Titcage. Everything she did was different now, and yet she was used to it. Two weeks had passed since her parents had broken up, and she had now completed all the requirements for S grade, … Read more

Hypnotizing Whitney_(1)

I was studying Psychology in college and one of my classes was a course in the power of suggestion. As I read through the text and wrote my weekly papers I got interested in Hypnotism. Most of my life I thought Hypnotism was a joke, a parlor trick that magicians used on stage to trick … Read more

I found my sister stripping Ch 7

Let me start by saying that there is a LOT more story in this chapter, and a bit less sex. For those after only the sex, I’m sorry, but I hope you like the 3-4 page sex scene that is in here. Also, there is no actual incest in this chapter, but it is referenced, … Read more

Dad’s Porno Magazines: Chapter 3: James Loses His Virginity

After the three of them got cleaned up, they went to their respective rooms to recover. James laid on his bed, reliving the events that had transpired today. He thought about how it felt when he had jacked off, and the intense pleasure running through him as he came. He remembered what it tasted like … Read more


Dad had seen my brother and I playing grab ass and told our mom to go and scold us. She went on and on loudly to tell us not to touch each other, keep our bedroom doors closed and to keep covered with our robes when we had on our night clothes. Mom stood in … Read more

Swapping Cousins

Tod and Sissy Bracklin were two fairly normal kids, who had a fairly normal relationships as brother and sister. Tod, being 17, could drive and Sissy, being 14 loved to shop, so it wasn’t unusual for them to spend time together as Tod ferried her from place to place. In each place he had friends … Read more

I won’t tell if you don’t Part 2 REVISED

THIS IS A RE-RELEASE OF “I won’t tell if you don’t tell, Part 2-Aftermath” with the addition of theme tags inadvertantly left out originally AND NO OTHER CHANGES. No one’s trying to trick anyone. The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for … Read more

A Family Man: Part 5 Home Cumming

After driving all afternoon and into the early evening, Bonnie and I reached Wausau, in upper central Wisconsin, where the hospital my uncle was born in was located. I wagered that even if my uncle’s family didn’t live in Wausau, they wouldn’t live too far outside it. After asking for directions at various gas stations, … Read more

Daughter of Frankenstein’s Revenge

Where It Begins: Her BMW crept along the side street; this was a worse neighborhood than she thought it would be. She looked down at the address once again 445 Dexter St. and on a hunch pulled into the alleyway. The green rusty door near the dumpster was the address. Rachel looked around; it was … Read more

My Life. Ch. 4…

5 Months later… Summer had come and gone. It had been pretty good too. I was still cumming in my mom’s mouth daily, and since I was out of school and home most days, we were usually squeezing an extra one in there, raising my average to 4+ blow jobs a day. On top of … Read more

Familly Lessons 17

Final Birthday Party-Part 1 When they arrived at the party, Jamey escorted Cindy in with his arm around her waist, while Sara walked with her arm hooked in Brad’s. Cindy was wearing a one piece pullover knit that ended halfway up her thighs and clung to her tightly. Jamey looked at his beautiful daughter, feeling … Read more