Making our Mom Cum

Making our Mom Cum We remembered when we were little, my brother and I. Our mom liked to rub us a lot. She put lotion on us and felt our little bodies over and over. Then she would go in her bedroom, lock the door for a while and come out all out of breath … Read more

Norma’s Secret Life_(0)

Norma’s Secret Life Chapter 1 Posted: May 05, 2003 – 12:00:00 am Norma was born on a farm to very loving parents. Being an only child she was always alone; she had no real chores or jobs to do on the farm except for gathering the eggs which were a money making commodity for the … Read more

Aunt Liz

My Aunt Liz From the time that I could remember my Aunt Liz always had a playful demeanor with an edge of sarcasm within her playfulness. When I was just a child and she came over to visit her younger sister (my Mom), she would always take the time out to show me some attention. … Read more

She Likes To Watch (Part 2)

She Likes To Watch (Part 2) Sara sobbed into her pillow. The room was dark and her naked body shivered and trembled. “Go to your room,” was all her mother had said and she ran upstairs without her t-shirt and threw herself onto her bed, terrified and confused. In an instant she had gone from … Read more

Oh no it might be heredity

Ok, ok, OK! Totally over the top, deviant and …probably deserve any of the consequences. No excuses but will lay out the groundwork. Have…I mean had been married a little bit over seventeen years. The bliss full years I could count on one hand. Still, we managed to produce two fine children. Both were born … Read more

Niece’s funeral horror

With the service over Candice made her way back to stretch limo the driver looking appropriately respectful his hands crossed, head down. As she neared he opened the door allowing the young woman to climb inside her uncle already waiting. She had turned 16 just 3 days ago; but it was a birthday she would … Read more

Incest Roulette_(1)

This story is a repost of the original story I posted on 2013-06-20. It is edited to conform to the age rules. Incest Roulette We all grew up in a small rural town, which is fun in the summer, but boring as hell in the winter. All summer we’d be working and playing outside, but … Read more

The Prom_(1)

.., I got stuck helping out at a Prom for girls and boys. My sister Missy was inside dancing, and I waschecking out all the young girls. They were all so hot looking in their fancy gowns. I sat with my dad outside who was drunk. Dad started telling me about how I ought to … Read more

Wendy tells a story

The two girls were giddy with excitement. Wendy was 15, slender with pert 32B breasts that she was very proud of. Brit was also 15. She was a little fuller bodied than her BFF, so she was more aware of the changes that were taking place in her body. Her breasts were larger than Wendy’s, … Read more

When In Rome – 07

CHAPTER SEVEN: Scene 01: Cassius – Sex? No. Scene 02: Callia – Sex? Yes. Scene 03: Cassius – Sex? Yes. _____________________________ CASSIUS He wasn’t a man to use the word “cute.” But Callia, today, was the “cutest” thing he’d ever seen. Everything was so new to her, so exciting. She flitted back and forth between … Read more

Futa’s Wild Passion 03: Futa’s Wild Latina Delight

I groaned as my friend, Pita, stroked my new futa-dick. I was shocked that she would just grab it. Her brown skin contrasting with my paler flesh. She worked it up and down, her dark, curly hair swaying about her cute face. Boy, she had a cute face. Beautiful, in fact. She was nineteen, like … Read more

Futa’s Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 4: Futa Seduces Her Mom & Big Sis

Asuka Takamaki The front door whisked opened and closed softly, the knob turned to keep it from latching. My eldest daughter, Ruri, entered like a thief in the night. She was a shadow, back from her date and an hour after curfew. She took two steps when I flicked on the light. Ruri jumped, squeaking … Read more

Slave for a Day 3

The doorbell rang, and Jen answered it, wearing her bathrobe. Tara turned to wave goodbye to her parents, but they were already driving away, and didn’t even see the gesture. Tara’s face fell a little at having been so quickly dismissed, but she brightened quickly when she turned to see her friend in the doorway, … Read more

The Long Con – Magnificent Mandy part 4

Well fuck. I mean FUCK! All this time, how many months had it been? I didn’t even remember. How many shitty meals had I eaten from that bitch who couldn’t cook? Fuck, how many times did I fuck that nasty, smelly, wrinkling, fat ass bitch? All for my Mandy. My wonderful, incredible, delectable, edible, sexpot … Read more

You First 4

I really, really appreciate you all being so patient while I finally got this latest chapter together. I hope it lives up to your expectations. Life and work have been uncommonly busy these last few months, and now that I (finally!) have a few days to myself I wanted to get this written and done … Read more