Black Ruled World – Part I

Black Ruled World Part I I awoke from my cryogenic sleep and recovered nicely after what felt like a two week hangover. I couldn’t believe my waking eyes as my vision was restored. A lot of things have changed in the many years I was absent. The year is 2075 and society seems to have … Read more

Winds of Revenge (pt 2)

(Winds of Revenge, Part I was posted in late October, 2017) ————————————- They still had my school ID card. Those East Side Prep high school girls had taken it a week before after abusing my face for well over an hour under the bleachers after our Westside High football team had ruined ESP’s perfect season. … Read more

Down on the Farm 02

Nicole pulled her car out of sight behind the barn. A fast glance at her watch told her that she was running late, so she quickly got out of the car and ran to the back to open the trunk. Stripping off as fast as she could and throwing her clothing and jewelry into the … Read more

Summer at Pond Cove – Chapter 02

In Chapter One, Walter met his summer neighbors at Pond Cove, a secluded area surrounded by a government nature preserve. By the end of the day, he had lost his clothes, his pride, and his virginity. In Chapter Two, Walter continues telling the story of his Summer at Pond Cove. He finds out for certain … Read more

Teacher – 17 Day 4 – Sunday Evening – A score is settled

When they got home, they all helped to bring in the groceries. Once they were done, Adam said, “Mom, I know you have some grading to do. Dad, do you think you could go with could go with Summer to get her things out of her apartment?” “Sure, but I thought you were going to … Read more


(this is part one of the first story that I have ever submitted, any feedback is welcome and helpful) I read my step daughters tweet. My wife had encouraged me to open an account and subscribe to her. Most of what she tweeted was about the misery that was her life since her real father … Read more

TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 4

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and … Read more


THE BACK DECK CHAPTER 1 I found myself beating off watching my teenage neighbor’s gorgeous body as she lay by our pool sunning herself. She was on her stomach with her pussy and ass facing me, clearly visible through the thong suit she was wearing. Katrina was just shy of seventeen but knew what an … Read more

The Ordeal of Emilia Clarke Ch.4

“What the hell,” Emilia said to herself as she checked her e-mails in the morning. “Oh my…” Her mouth gaped open as she clicked through the images. A huge cock laid on a picture of her. Then there were several pictures of a hairy hand stroking the cock, and then there was cum, covering her … Read more

The Lost Knight

1. A pixie with a salacious appetite, a knight stripped of his armor, and a mysterious archer 2. Mystical binding needs safe words too 3. In the woods! (Doesn’t everything happen there?) 4. Spitting flowers ******************************** Sir Heven Blackhawk was far from his homeland. Being part of the Order of the Griffin required him to … Read more

The Perfect Opportunity

If you asked what I was in college for, I would of course answer “Marketing”. However, if you what I did in college, it was mostly partying. This isn’t a new or unique pass time for your average college Junior. It gets old, boring, dull even. Which is why I’ve been spicing up my party … Read more

Broken Kingdom

Prologue: Thane was self-conscious about his body, exponentially more than the average teenager. He was average in every physical aspect besides height, where he was a good chunk shorter than his peers. Years of teasing and jokes only lowered his self-esteem. He stood 5’6 and weighed roughly 120 pounds, unimpressive by all standards. Thane was … Read more

Nightmare Cometh

“I can’t do it right now, Nightmare, I’m next,” Jade whispered to the belly bulge under her shirt despite the sentient horse cock having never shown any sign of understanding. It had been getting gradually more demanding in the last two years. Bored of her clumsy hands after only a few weeks, now alternating between … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 1

Chapter 1 My name is Jasmine and this is my story….. I always considered myself to be just a regular girl. I have a brother, James, who is two years younger than me and the sweetest kid you could ever meet. When I was little I liked to ride my bike, play with dolls and … Read more

Sexpionage 7 – Tea Time of the Soul

Tea Time of the Soul – Sexpionage 7 Diseñada como Villa Grimaldi somewhere in Santiago, Republic of Chile “So, this is it,” Yulia thought, as soon as her brain began functioning again. She remembered having been injected with some sort of drug, and now, she had surely been administered an energiser to wake her up. … Read more