Rooms of horror and delight

Jennifer woke suddenly and gasped. She was sitting in a small dark room, with stone walls and floor. She was still in her school uniform. Her head throbbed, and in a rush she remembered what had happened. She had been walking home from school when she had suddenly been grabbed by two men. She remembered … Read more

planet monster part 2

Sgt. Malloy did a last head count to make sure everyone was accounted for before heading to bed. When Dr’s Sallavar and Hectors couldn’t be found, he sent his marines out to find them. After almost 3 hours, nothing was found of them and Malloy called Maj. Hellison to report in about the missing doctors. … Read more

Deep and Lovely Dark – Chapter 9

Vlad stormed into his house and called out to Rachel and Lisa. It took a few minutes but they both ran down the stairs looking concerned. “What! What happened!” Said Rachel. “Are you both ok?” Asked Vlad desperately. “Yeah fine, why what’s going on?” Asked Lisa. Vlad gave a sigh of relief and walked into … Read more

Dark Incarnate COMPLETE Book1 ch1-14 final draft

****spoiler****. She teams up with some unlikely new friends to try and learn just what is going on. All 166pgs of Book 1. I’ve got early chapters posted here but they were posted in rough draft and this is the final draft expect changes and manyxmany corrections. I included the main tags, one was was … Read more

Bloodbath Case #1

It had been a tough week for James Madison, a senior at Aherne High School. His girlfriend had left him for another guy, his car was wrecked by a drunk driver, and he failed to finish his thesis on time. To top it all off, they lost the championship football match. After their game He … Read more

The seventh Rachel’s Shaved Pussy

Over the next few months, my rate of copulation did not diminish. My eighteenth birthday came… and came, and came, because it was another slumber party at mine, to which several of my sexiest friends were invited, and it descended into a massive lesbian orgy. Kirsty and I contrived to make it seem spontaneous, so … Read more

The Conquerer – Parts 1 & 2

Chapter 1: The sky was quiet. Tor Endril stood, unmoving in the cold winter air. He felt the wind’s icy breath on his skin, but it was more annoyance than nuisance. He idly wondered what the Broodmother might be doing. He longed for Her touch, but the icy wind prevented him from imagining Her warm … Read more

The Tunnels

There is a legend about tunnels everywhere has them, they are deep under the ground built centuries ago. They were believed to have a strong magical force infused into the walls. A force that would trap evil and demonic spirits in the tunnels, back in ancient times people would bury their hardened criminals like serial … Read more

My experince with a vampire pt 2

As Jamie lifted his head up he looked around not seeing the two females from yesterday he groaned a little bit and leaned his head back letting out a long yawn before trying to wipe his eyes he then realized he was still chained to the wall he tilted his head looking around before seeing … Read more

Zombie Lust

I was walking home from a friend’s graduation party and I admit I was more than a little drunk. But hey, I was eighteen, a young, good-looking female, and if I wanted to party, I partied. But that night would be a night I would never forget. I was so tired I just wanted to … Read more


“If there is a universal mind, must it be sane?” -Damon Knight. Often misattributed to Charles Fort. *** December, 1967. West Virginia: The knock came at midnight. Klein answered; it was the man in the black suit. He came into the motel room, closed the door, and handed Klein a stack of papers. “You’ll be … Read more

Facility For Helping suicidal People

To start off, the facility is created to take the cases of people who have been in treatment for wanting to take their own life for a long time, or in and out of places for such treatment, such that they’re considered to be unlikely to want to live from any amount of traditional help. … Read more

Kelly’s Magical Saterday

 Kelly woke to sun cascading over here perfectly rounded size C breasts, She giggled as she pinched he half-inch light pink nipple and sent a shock throughout her body. It was a Saturday which made it all the better.  Kelly was 21, lived alone, virgin, not particularly social, but if she was she would have … Read more

Nocturnal Legacy

“I asked for two pounds of ham and I want two pounds of ham!” the woman complained. “Not one point nine!” “Sorry, Ma’am.” I replied, putting another slice on the scale, my mind wandering again. Handing the woman her package, I glanced back over at the bakery counter. “He’s looking at me again!” I squealed. … Read more