The Vampire of Prague

“The end of the enchantment was come and the Princess awoke, and she said: ‘Is it you, my Prince? You have waited a long while…’” -Charles Perrault, “The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood” *** She was born on the banks of the Vltava, in the days when there were no bridges, in the shadow of … Read more

Damien Skylar chapter 3

Chapter 3 *Part 7* “So this is how you deal with break up’s Shell? Killing things?” I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon’s is because they consume human’s souls. Innocent human souls, … Read more

Butterfly Love – A Halloween Story

Roger Winslow stopped his car at the massive iron gates and stood fumbling with a ring of keys, searching for the one that would give them entrance. His secretary, Marcie, sat waiting patiently in the car. Beyond the gates, the Wentworth mansion looked exactly like you would expect a mad scientist’s lair to look in … Read more


“You would be pretty if those teeth weren’t so fucking huge.” it was true. She had an okay face, big brown eyes with too much mascara. light brown skin, long mexican hair with those ugly fake streaks in them, pear shaped body with a little acne.. she was attractive enough to fuck, and ugly enough … Read more

The Man of Sin: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 “Oh God! Please! No more!” Sister Olivia was sobbing on the floor, having woken up in the church for another night of torture. She still believed this to just be a recurring nightmare. Xavier strode towards her, a hungry gleam to his eyes. He gave her a hard kick, knocking her onto her … Read more

The Devil inside

The Brown family, John Brown (50), Joyce Brown (46) there daughters Jackie Brown (15), Sarah Brown (13), (Jay ) Jay-Lin Brown (11). The Brown family lived isolated from everyone, their large wooden cabin stood alone in a thick forest, there was only one way to the property and that was up a dirt track. The … Read more

Policewomen: Trina’s Inferno

Policewomen:  Trina’s Inferno The sun was rising over South Beach, Miami. It was Trina’s day off and she was finishing her morning jog.  Pausing to watch the sunrise, she thought about the day ahead of her. She’d spend the next few hours in the gym, focusing on her back and arms, giving her legs and glutes a rest.  After … Read more

Demonic 6

Ayame now lives at Taimanin HQ which is protected by a barrier, this barrier prevents demons from teleporting in and it prevents demons from teleporting anyone inside Taimanin HQ out. Ayame had her abortion, it was one of the dog demons that impregnated her, Ayame no longer goes on missions now she trains other Taimanin … Read more

The Ravenous Dream

All my stories were stripped from my name so I am reposting them. Feel free to comment or rate again. I have made some minor edits from the original. The better part of this was actually a recent dream that I thought was worth remembering. That being said, even though it is sexual, it isn’t … Read more

Chapter 1: From Rape To Consensual.

Harrison Chapter 1: I watched as 22 year old Laura Sherman exited Yorkdale Mall. She was with her boyfriend Mike. But I didn’t pay any attention to him; my eyes fell on Laura. She was a beautiful girl with very pale skin. Her hair was completely blonde and in a ponytail which always bounced around … Read more

Halloween and the Goblin

The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. … Read more

Star Wars The Choices We Make Trilogy Part 2: Aftermath

STAR WARS: AFTERMATH PART 2 It’s been two years since Nom Anor’s death and Trixie’s capture and Coruscant is slowly bringing in most of it’s popular merchants. Lucius had gotten over what happened on Myrkr but it still tore at his heart like a fish hook causing him to awaken with a start. Throwing on … Read more

Helena’s Nightmare

Helena’s Nightmare Helena slept heavily, her long blonde tresses dangling over the edge of the bed as she sprawled across the double mattress. A groan escaped from her lips as she woke uncomfortably, the feeling of a weight pressing down on her stomach and ribs disturbing her. As her eyes flickered open it seemed, in … Read more


Becky could not wait to design her character and see how close the game would make it look like her. She had bought and downloaded the new interactive game everyone was talking about called, “Horrorween”. The difference in this game compared to all the others was the technology to make a character look, act and … Read more

The Devil’s Pact Side-Story: The Alukah Part 2-The Motherouse

As our early morning flight on British Air took off from Heathrow Airport in London to Toulouse in Southern France, the entire plane was abuzz about the woman found badly assaulted in the restroom in the terminal. She was found around midnight local time, and since then I kept Candy and I where there were … Read more


[b]25 FIGHT OR BE TIGHT? Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school the next day. They can’t stop talking about the game as they take a dip in the pool. Sean gets interrupted with a phone call. Answering the phone as he dries off, “Sean’s Web.” “Hi Sean! It’s Roxanne.” “Sounds like you’re in a … Read more

Dominion: Chapter 4 – The Power to Rule_(1)

The Power to Rule Winter was upon the country, flooding the landscape with a deathly chill. Yet it wasn’t the cold that sent shivers down everyone’s spine. It was fear. Following the gray breeze, rumors were flowing from the north, rumors of death and destruction. Entire towns were either being razed with no survivors, or … Read more