Lonesome River Walk

* Friday. Here again at this time of night with these same noisy, drunken fools. Why at 11pm every Friday night do I find myself sitting at this same stupid, crowded horrid little table with a the same damp beer mat covered bar jutting in to the back of my head? Three pints down and … Read more

Collateral Damage – A Halloween Story

Maria Sanchez watched the new customer walk into the club. He paid the cashier at the entrance and then held up his invitation to the bouncer. The muscular bouncer who was guarding the door nodded and stepped aside allowing the man to walk past him into the dimly-lit club. Normally, the new man’s strange garb … Read more

A Second Visit from Saint Michael – A Halloween Story

In this sequel to “A Visit From Saint Michael,” a reporter is recruited by Saint Michael to help rescue six young women from sexual slavery. He agrees to do so because his actions will also rescue his girlfriend who was taken by the same slavers as she was trying to investigate the first girls’ disappearance. … Read more

The Man Of Sin: Chapter 1_(1)

WARNING: This story contains rape, torture, incest, and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Chapter 1: Berlin, Germany: The young man climbed up out of the bed, leaving the naked woman to silently cry. He looked out the window at the rainy city, chuckling to himself in both satisfaction and anticipation. “What in God’s … Read more


“For the panic of the wilderness called to him in that far voice—the power of untamed distance, the desolation that destroys. He knew in that moment all the pains of someone hopelessly and irretrievably. He had seen the Wendigo.” -Algernon Blackwood, “The Wendigo”. *** Four of us went up: Shawna, Eric, Karina, and me. I’m … Read more

Queen of the Sex Slaves

To my muse, E.O.M., who knows why. 1-Hub She tried to evade them for years, but in the end, they finally caught her, Tisya Achoka, and they brought her here. It is a fact widely agreed upon throughout the galaxy, that this place, the piratical slave traders’ planet of Aghara-Penthay is one of the best … Read more

The King in Yellow Chapter Seven

DREAMS Back in Katya’s apartment, they sat by the fire, wrapped in shawls and sipping sweetened tea. Neither had spoken much during the drive back from the countryside and they stared blankly into space until Katya broke the silence. “We are in danger” she said softly. “We were too close tonight, too involved”. “I laid … Read more

Friends For Dinner

“Hey Sarah”, the message begins, “I’m cooking up a special dinner tonight and I want you to be there. I’m inviting a bunch of our friends, it’ll be great!” I’d known Steve for years, but never knew he could cook. This is such short notice though… Well, it IS a Tuesday. What else do have … Read more

The Ghoul’s Wedding

“The gruesome ghoul, the grisly ghoul, without the slightest noise, Waits patiently beside the school, to feast on girls and boys.” -“The Ghoul,” Jack Prelutsky *** The first time the Night People came for Amina she was six years old, and it was Valentine’s Day, and also her birthday. She stayed up late that night … Read more

Roses are red_(2)

“There is a striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer.” -Angela Carter *** “Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?” The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked … Read more

Egg Ch. 5

Egg Chapter 5 Jacob sat on the edge of his parent’s bed trying to understand everything in his world. The pod was gone now, dissipated into dust just like Billy and the tentacles that once spread across the room. In fact, now the room looked no different than before she had shown up. And he … Read more

The Curse of St. Valentine

“He that falls into sin is a man; that grieves at it, is a saint; that boasteth of it, is a devil.” -Thomas Fuller *** “It’s a heart.” Kennan turned the Valentine card over in his hand. “It doesn’t look anything like a heart,” he said. “No one would want to buy it if it … Read more

The Hunt_(2)

After we finally close the bar down, Tatiana pushes me down on my knees behind the bar. Before I can react, she has her pants around her ankles and her massive python shoved in my mouth. Without hesitating, I suck my lips tight around her cock and she moans because of it. “That’s it, Jack, … Read more

The Storm_(1)

Fifty rounds per minute, the A4 held close to his chest, the air five feet in front of him as thick as blood, dark with smoke and fog, debris from a city slowly going back to its primordial roots.  Fifty rounds per minute down the alley east to the river, no enemy in sight, but … Read more

To Save Mankind!

3488 A.D. Mankind had finally managed to get the most pressing issues under control. Earth’s ecosystem wasn’t collapsing after all and mother nature had gained some ground again. Free from the immediate need to ensure Earth’s survival, human race shifted its focus to exploring the stars and conquer new worlds. Orbit City, the first human … Read more

The Yoni Flower (Plants of Pleasure Chapters 1-2)

Author’s Note: If you’re into plants that make women horny and phallic flowers capable of giving hot, voluminous creampies, this story is for you! This story takes place in the same world as Amazonian Womb Worms, about 10 months after Lena’s story ends. If you’re interested in cock-shaped worms fucking their way into wombs and … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 3

Adam had a look of pure delight on his face. “Whoa! Now who is THIS sexy beauty?” He asked Steven. His eyes were nearly popping out of his head as he absent mindedly wiped saliva from his gaping mouth. “Isn’t she something else?” Steven beamed proudly. “And get a load of these curves. To be … Read more

Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 6

[Earlier that day…] A’luhr had been careless, and it had cost her. “No!” A’luhr heard the young male human, Steven, yell as she was thrown out the window by the loathsome thrall that had gotten the jump on her. She grimaced in pain from the whiplash on her leg as the tentacle released her, but … Read more

Egg Ch. 8

Egg chapter 8 Jacob stared at the cocoon. Secured to the wall, the greenish-brown pod pulsed with life. While smaller in size compared to Aurora’s pod, it looked formidable all the same. With a bulbous body it looked like a pregnant belly. Rebirth for service to the goddess. With a sigh, he sat down in … Read more