Clarissa’s wish in granted

Clarissa decided that she had a new job. She was going to reach the biggest, strongest and the longest orgasm possible, no matter how difficult it was or what she had to do. It was not allowed for a human to assign missions to herself especially if it was to a demon, but she had … Read more


Compelled Fall, cold and rainy, that’s all it ever was. Leaves blew off the grass and swirled around the ankles of a young man, raking them even as the wind took them away. Like herding cats, it was a challenge yet still, little by little, the leaves found their way into his lawn bag. Behind … Read more

Nurse Demoness Chapter 3

In the second circle of hell, on one of the minor planes named Vitae, ruled the succubus Rathae. She had her plane divided into nine districts, each governed by a weaker succubus. Rathae was considered influential through her dimension, but in actuality, the demoness’s domain belonged to an even bigger hierarchy of minor planes that … Read more

The Fucking Flowers

Reader: This is a short story about a nightmare that I have had a few times in my life and just had a recurrence last night. It is always the same and it always scares the crap out of me. It is quite bizarre and while extremely sexual it is not that erotic, at least … Read more

Summoning a Demon

“Nomi is that you?” Naomi’s boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the ‘Nomi’ of her family. Ian had … Read more

Abigail Ch.2

‘One year later’ Flashes of light, coupled with sirens and the screams of her trapped brethren as they burned in the wreckage of the facility the specialist forces had just laid waste to, filled her head and for a moment she was walking that devastating scene again seeing, again, that soft hearted soldier who had … Read more

Organism X – Ch. 07

1. The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley’s ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror. “How did I miss you before?” The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. “You’re putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All … Read more

The Terror of the Incubus

What is it about the night that amplifies our fears? Perhaps it is a primal instinct, born in a time when our ancestors huddled in caves for protection against noctural predators that posed a real and tangible threat to their very lives. Perhaps it is the darkness, a neutralizing of our primary sense that turns … Read more

The Wolf Next Door Ch. 2

*Author’s note* So before you begin, let me apologize for the time it took to get this chapter out. I had finished a month ago and was editing it when an update crashed my computer. I recovered all but this chapter and another story chapter for something else. Thank you everyone for the feedback and … Read more

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 6_(1)

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 6 Dana, Foxy and I rode in silence. I was in the back seat of the truck out of respect for what had just transpired in Foxy’s Diner. Though we made it unharnessed by the rival pack, we were all on edge about being followed. Not only that, but Foxy … Read more

Circus if Darkness 2

Dahlia ran through the house screaming. Wearing a grey blouse and a matching grey miniskirt with a pair of white running shoes the blonde girl screamed in horror having just seen her boyfriend, Tim, stabbed repeatedly and torn to prices by undead monstrous clowns. Now she didn’t know where she was running. She didn’t care. … Read more

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 8

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 8 (Final) My name is Vance and I am a werewolf. Not just an ordinary one though but a werewolf that had the title of being an Alpha. An alpha whose pack had been fractured by a rival when he had taken half of it. That half included Mrs. Banes, … Read more

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 1

Hey there, my name is Vance. Typical youth about to graduate high school. Just turned eighteen and was enjoying the last days of my summer vacation. Well, I was to an extent. See, I lived in a home with my mom, a woman who was a godsend to children. Seriously, I could get away with … Read more

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 4

“Vance.” There was that name again. A woman calling and interrupting my focus. Why did she bother me? Couldn’t she it was there in the field? I could. Two ears sticking up. It bounced around alert to the possibility of the hunter. The possibility of me? I don’t know. Blood pumped through its body and … Read more

Nurse Demoness Chapter 4

Lightning flashed repeatedly, illuminating the Mina’s silhouette as she journeyed across town from the church bell tower to her apartment. She cursed herself for being short sighted this night with the storm and her feeding. The one soul she was able to feast on full had been a drug addict it wasn’t a particularly good … Read more