Ravenous Dream by

The better part of this was actually a recent dream that I thought was worth remembering. That being said, even though it is sexual, it isn’t a typical sex story. In fact I think it reads much more like a horror or melodrama. Either way I didn’t want to lose it from my mind. Please … Read more

Reverse Number Look-up

This story has been mostly finished for a while. I thought of entering it in CAW #17, since the theme is “you gotta love a man in uniform”. There is love of a sort, and there are lots of uniforms, but this is too scary a tale for a non-Halloween-themed Challenge. There’s no sex in … Read more

Breeding Station

Valerie was the rookie of the exploration team. They left her behind to take care of the mothership while the rest of her crew landed on the planet to explore an abandoned space station. The large old structure was not registered in any of the federation charts and it wasn’t sending any identification signal as … Read more

Vile – Chapter 9 – Sin

Gnarled hands grasped from every direction, their ashen skin exploring soft flesh and leaving long scratches with their jagged nails causing blood to trickle over the buxom form of the abandoned blonde. Screams welled inside her as the looming terrors fondled and clawed at her, yet as tears poured from her eyes no sounds could … Read more

To My Dear Friend

To my dear friend: Thank you so much for all these years you have written to me. I’m hoping that this finds you well, and that you are happy. I also hope we can meet someday soon. You’ve always wondered why I’m here, and I have been sort of reticent about telling you. Not because … Read more

Our First House

Recently me and my girlfriend, Heather, decided that after being together for two years it was time for us to move in together, we purchased a nice little house on the outskirts of our home town for such a low price that it felt like we were practically stealing it. The house is small with … Read more

My Next Couple of Stories.

If you said monsters and magic don’t exist, I would half agree with you. Magic I have found out is really just another science. If you brought a flame thrower to the dark ages you’d been deemed either a witch or a dragon. Whose to say someday science won’t allow us to turn invisible. Who’s … Read more

Queen Yavara: Chapter 52

Chapter Fifty-Two ADRIANNA Riding a warg wasn’t anything like riding a horse. With a horse, I felt the power of the beast as it beat its hooves against the ground, springing me forward with each stride. With a warg, I didn’t even notice the ground it ran upon, for the warg didn’t beat the ground, … Read more

Extinction-chapter one by

To whoever is lucky or unfortunate enough to find these scripts, this is what I have been through. If someone managed to find this lead “time capsule,” buried six feet below the ground with a dead body, I am truly sorry to have unleashed this upon you. For you have, in all sincerity, opened Pandora’s … Read more

london vamps

right, so this is the first time i’ve posted to this group, i’m a guy in the latter half of my twenties, i guess i’m a “young professional”, a keen sportsman blah blah ..and oh yeh, a donor.. I thought i would introduce myself by retelling my first (true!) experience of the world of vampirism, … Read more


Angela felt a weight on her abdomen; her eyes weren’t focused yet but she was very aware of something being very wrong. The pressure was holding her down on her bed and it didn’t seem as though she was able to move. She wasn’t able to discern much of the figure on top of her: … Read more

Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 03

The goddess leaned against her consort’s bare chest, his arm around her waist. They stood naked on the balcony of the manor watching the southern crystal sun. In the last several hours, it had dimmed enough to be viewed directly, and was emitting very little heat. In another hour or so, it would go dark; … Read more

The Infection

“We have to get to Alaska,” Vash kept telling himself as he drove through the darkness of the night. Vash drove as fast as his car would take him down the highway as a figure appeared in the headlights and was crushed by Vash’s car. He couldn’t believe what had happened in the last few … Read more

The Dark Moon Coven

The light slanted as it came in through the high ceilings, natural lighting always made it easier to draw, especially on the days that the sun was strong, as part of the ceiling was glass. The art room at Price Junior College was a pretty, open space with loads of light. There were eighteen people … Read more

The Pit_(0)

The Pit ****************************** Roy Mitchell slapped a mosquito, rolled bloody ruin down his neck, and figured things couldn’t be much worse. “Scout!” He cried into the trees. He whistled. “Here, boy!” No answering bark came. “Scout!” The sun was all but set, and the dusk between the trees was the color of cobwebs. Scout, the … Read more

Demonic 5

Just like last time Ou – Chan Brutally rapes Ayames mouth, pussy and ass again and again and again, he cums massive amounts of sperm in all three of her holes and just like last time there’s a pool of sperm on the ground. Ayame has lost count how many times Ou – Chan has … Read more