The Chair_(1)

“NO! STOP! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING! THIS IS CRAZY!” Amanda wailed as she struggled in the electric chair. “Even if you did know anything it doesnt really matter at this point. We already have the information we needed, it turns out it was your sister Lacy who we needed this entire time!” Doll exclaimed as … Read more

Bride of the Monster

“Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave, trying to animate lifeless clay?” -Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein” *** It started with the skin. Elsa would stay up all night looking at it. Sometimes she got so close that Elizabeth, sleeping next to her in bed, … Read more

Nurse Demoness Chapter 1

Lightning crackled through the night sky, illuminating a feminine figure perched in a window of the Hospital Merci. Darkness quickly overtook the lights again and left only the dark shadow of a woman. Dark eyes studied the room in silence, her heart beating fast. Mina was a demon of lust. That is, she embodied everything … Read more

Sex Demons Need Love Too

Chapter 1: Loving You’s a Dirty Job but Somebody’s Gotta Do It Ding Dong “He’s here!” Bethany was excited to meet the potential new roommate. The harsh reality of the world came down hard on the young couple when they decided to elope. Their parents were deeply religious but from different christianity factions, which meant … Read more

The R-Virus: Trespasser

Jenna was sitting in her car and her body was tense, but one leg was rapidly thumping the stubby raised heel of her shoe at the carpeted floor. The sun was sinking past the hillside and she watched it with growing trepidation. Tonight she was on course to do something she had never done before, … Read more

The Cocksaw Murders – part 2

In the next room is a girl, lounging on a table. She’s either unconscious or drugged, or just doesn’t care enough to respond as you enter. She’s naked, of course. Slim, blonde, she could be any of your co-stars. Once upon a time, you were a little sick of always being given blonde bimbos, but … Read more

Little Girl in the Red Hood (edited)

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a village surrounded by woods, and in it lived a little a girl called Myrna, but her name is not really important since everyone in the village knew her only by Red, due to the red velvet hood she always wore. Her grandmother made … Read more

Draculas & Dragons

Draculas & Dragons Chapter One: Mist Travelers It was late in the day, dusk was turning to night. The tall barbarian stumbled out of the alehouse. He reached down and adjusted his large member, pushing the dark purple head back into his loincloth. A man now, he was enjoying drinking at the different alehouses that … Read more

Fantasy-mores a mystery

Hey, you really love playing with that hot little thing there don’cha hon? You’s a sweet little jack off idiot ain’t cha? C’mon, I’ll suck you off right here and now. The 18 yr. old black girl removed her bra, and then her panties, then got down in front of the 14 yr. old white … Read more

He told Me not to tell

Byron heard angry footfalls coming down the hallway. Krista was lying on the bed naked from the waist down. Byron opened the window and quietly crept out of the window without making a sound, he put two fingers to his lips making a be quiet sign that only Krista understood “meaning don’t tell”. As Byron … Read more

Spending the summer with amy

Amy was the top girl at school she was rich young and beautiful but she had a dark side also that only her and a few friends knew about but her she was a vampire so were her friends they were going to take a road trip to alaska but the only thing they were … Read more


The feet message of the geisha on his back was causing the earthquakes to the pimpelves and their volcanos were exploding when many big feet again and again stomped and stomped the ground of his back valley. Steve Pimpelf was good at his job but it was hard work and he did not like it … Read more

Vile – Chapter 1 – The Heap

“The warm slathering of sanguine nectar upon thy porcelain skin shalt rejuvenate the hollow of darkness within which your soul should but does not reside, for if the void of spirit is bereft of all but the bitter chill of nothingness cantankerously defying one’s own desires it should be cast aside and filled to the … Read more


It was hidden in a cellar of an old abandon mansion about a mile out side of the city limits. No one ever bothered visiting the old Quartermane place anymore, a ramshackle collection of farm buildings dominated by a huge old barn and a house three or four times the size of any in found … Read more

Live Ornaments for my Garden

Jane, Sadie and Angela were just going away on a long weekend together when they were drugged at the bar and taken back to my farm. We stood in the garden now that had recently been landscaped all it was missing were some garden ornaments and now I had three. In the garden were three … Read more