The Camp Slut- Night 3

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events are coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. Night 3 I woke up with Slut snuggled up against me. I drifted happily until I realized I smelled coffee. Groaning, I … Read more

First Contact_(0)

PLEASE RATE IT & GIVE COMMENT TOO First Contact It was a just starting of last december when I met these girl. She was in tenth grade myself.She was pretty cute & has a nice busty figure.Her name was Arnesha.In fact I & she was very close friends.Share many jokes, some nasty one too.As these … Read more

Celestial Nirvana: Part 6

It’s funny, four years ago, I was working so hard to get this story done and uploaded before the 21st. I succeeded back then, but not this time. Oh well, it’s not like there’s the same pressure. Anyway, I think the world needs this chapter now more than ever. Enjoy! Chapter 6 BANG! The gunshot … Read more

Keily’s Plant

Chapter One: The Discovery Keily liked to explore the corridors and rooms of the large old castle where she had lived for the past two years. The property was a huge building donated to the city by an eccentric millionaire several years ago, and part of the castle was adapted to be used as the … Read more

Going Nova ch. 3: The Dressing Room

Warrick heard a knocking at the front door. He cracked his eyes open and squinted into the morning sunlight. It was Saturday, and he had some idea of who could possibly be coming over so early, but he didn’t delight in the commotion she was likely to bring, so he groaned and turned over. The … Read more

Cabin of Temptation Part 1: Chapter 4 – Dancing with Nat

It’s funny how fast we can lose track of time. So much of our life in the day to day is regimented in some way, usually around work. This scheduling gives time a flow, it lets us we know when we eat and when we rest. When our lives lack that structure, time begins to … Read more

My Daughters Best Friend 2

I was fucking Selina again, we were fucking hard with our bodies pounding together filling the room with loud slapping sounds, my moans and Selina’s groans of pain and pleasure. “Yes, make me your slut daddy.” Selina says pitching her voice to sound like my daughter, Clarissa, on the last word. I don’t speak but … Read more

My granny got back

It was Spring break and like most horny 15-year olds, I was ready to party as much as I could and try to fuck as many girls as I possibly could. But one problem. I had no money. So when my mother told me that Grandma Ruth needed some help around her house, I jumped … Read more

I have Two Dicks

Another short story. Constructive criticism only please. Fixed conversation, hopefully it’s easier to read. Jeff was a normal guy … no scratch that, he wasn’t a normal guy, he had a bit of a defect. He never told anyone about it either. He grew up at an orphanage and the only one who knew about … Read more

Sapphire’s Quest: Brothel

Sapphire was having an interview with, Kara, the brothel’s manager. Her quest to find her mother, after she was taken by the vicious slave trader Gorogn, was proving to be more difficult than expected. She had almost no money left and the jumps through some space portals to reach faraway planetary systems were expensive. Sapphire … Read more

Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can’t say I was worried about mum’s reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence … Read more


Jill Strasburg stood in her sons’ driveway and scowled. Her eyes fixed on the object sitting in front of her sons’ garage door. Matthew stood on the front stoop and watched his mother; he knew the moment she had stopped walking from her car to the front door what had happened. He had forgotten and … Read more

Lucky Josh part 4

Back at the table, Nyoto had rejoined them and all were watching intently. “What’s a test of character?” asked Jonas in general. Nyoto answered under her breath “a whipping.” “A real whipping?” Jonas asked disturbed looking at his son on stage. “As real as allowed by law” she answered “no skin may be broken but … Read more


WHORE WIFE Part 2 SETTING THE BAIT TO LAND A FAT CAT CLIENT: Two weeks after her baby sitting session with Peter’s horny, incorrigible, domineering young nephew, her boss, Peter Epstein, called her into his office and asked, “Do you remember seeing Felix Schoenberg around the offices a few times and meeting him once?” “Oh … Read more