The Debt Collector – Part3

As I sat there on the coach recovering from the intense orgasm I just had, I felt my cock slip out of Mandy’s very wet pussy. She groaned in disapproval and snuggled up against my neck. What a transformation she went through, I thought as I rubbed her ass. I guess now she was thinking … Read more

My Photogenic Mom 3 (corrected)

Susan woke up in the morning with a terrible headache. She did not realize where she was at first but then recognized Michael’s bed-room. She suddenly realized that someone was sleeping with her and was holding onto her breast. Suddenly parts of the night before tried to work their way into her fuzzy brain. She … Read more

The Best Prom Ever

I’m a Chinese kid in a relatively white-dominant town. Despite my best efforts, people at school didn’t want to be friends with me. They thought I was too “ethnic” and therefore, a freak. I didn’t think I am much of a freak but I guess high school in a white-centric football playing town was not … Read more

Chris and Christie: Making it work part 3

This is the final chapter of the sage of Chris and Christie. Many thanks to those who have commented. This has always been a story about a relationship between two people. Some have complained about the flaws in the characters, but they are human, subject to failings and imperfections. Neither one of them is perfect, … Read more

Master! Master! Part 12

Part 12: Lorraine, Dr. Lawrence, and I were walking down the halls of the CDC hospital. CDC employees were moving in and out of patient rooms with armed guards stationed throughout the building. In every patient room was a hybrid, either lying in bed or staring out the window. They were all dressed in bleach-white … Read more

Broken Bliss CH 4

Thank you for all the comments to date. I truly appreciate them all (Yes, even the negative ones). Broken Bliss Chapter 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I was rather disappointed to wake up this morning, and realize Mom hadn’t come in to see me last night. Had I done something to offend her? If so I needed to … Read more

Different Love – Part III

Hi, guys. First of all, sorry to the people who was waiting that long for another installment of my stories. I’m passing through a very complicated moment of my life so I don’t have enough time to write, specially write in english, as it consumes four times more than I spend while writing in portuguese. … Read more

Slutty New Year

“I’ve never actually had a satisfactory experience” The room went silent, everyone turned their eyes to the smaller boy of the group Kent, a conversation filled with the experience and closely kept fantasies of sex dying down to nothing, despite Kent’s grumpy personality and lack of interest in… anything he was the one with the … Read more

Going Nova ch. 11: All of Brie

Ivy met the Novas in the foyer of their home. She spoke quietly. “Elsie’s on my phone on the couch. Brie’s asleep in her bed. She passed out on stage.” “Passed out?” Warrick asked, concerned. “She’s okay.” Ivy reassured him. “She didn’t have a big fall, but she had a, well… a dramatic experience, you … Read more

Evil Dudes-Chapter 2

The four of us shared an old farm house, with a barn, a large yard, and a huge basement. It was roughly in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. The surrounding farmland, beyond the woods, had been sold to an agribusiness. We never saw anyone we didn’t want to see. We pulled the van … Read more

Sibling reunion leads to new relationship – Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : My first time The following day Jessie started off with a full tour of her house, from the old light room at the top of the tower to the conservatory with a grand piano sitting in the morning sunlight and finally to the Jacuzzi, which overlooked the steep cliffs. Taking my hand … Read more

Subjects 0 – CH 2_(0)

It had been two weeks since April had tried to teach Adam how to control his libido. Two weeks of near-complete success, and utter failure. Success, because he could control his urges more often than not. The only times he failed to control himself is when he remembered what April and him had done. Failure, … Read more

Policewomen 4: Kelly’s Return

Author’s note: This is Kelly’s second story. Her first (episode 3) is interracial. She goes undercover, fails on several levels, and becomes involved in a world of prostitution and other crimes. The worst is that she neglected her son, Nate, and subjected him to this world. I’ve used Fat Rob in quite a few stories. … Read more