The Farm’s Bitch (An Animal Gangbang Story) Part One

Turbulence jostled the plane and Aria lifted her head from the window. The announcement was then made that the plane was landing. The news gave Aria a start of energy and she took a deep breath to calm her racing heartbeat. She was finally about to meet her long time online lover, David. She opened … Read more

My Cousin Jacqui, Continued

The sun was streaming into my bedroom when I opened my eyes. The sounds of morning drifted from the kitchen and I smelled coffee, bacon, toast, and eggs. As I rolled nude to a sitting position on the edge of the bed, my erect cock felt a little sore from the previous night’s activities. I … Read more

Breast Milk Masochism

Jennifer’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her … Read more

A Brother’s Revenge Chap 2

James and Juliet McAfey sat in their comfortable chairs enjoying the tranquility. “Isn’t this just so wonderful James. Julie and Jimmy aren’t fighting any more. No more shrieking and yelling and screaming between our children. At last they’re starting to act like 18 year olds,” said Juliet “Sure is,” replied her husband. “I don’t know … Read more

Late Night In The Office

It was early spring in London, England. The sky was clear and sunny but there was a cool breeze coming off of the river Thames that caressed Mica’s bare long, slender legs as she stepped out of her sports sedan. “Oh bugger, why in the world did I wear such a short dress today!” she … Read more

Best Buddy

Imagine going to work every day for five years straight knowing that each day you’re going to see the woman you’ve been dying to make love to, and knowing it won’t happen. That’s basically the way my situation has been for what has seemed like an eternity. My name is Mike. I’m 28 years old … Read more

My Sexy Tenants Pt II

It is a Thursday evening around 8pm. A work meeting ran late and I didn’t feel like cooking so I decided to order a pizza. I’m starving at this point. Before I pick up the phone, I decide to go upstairs to see if Yasmin or Diana is home so I could ask if they … Read more

Extra Credit 5 – On the Run

I woke with a bit of a start. I had been having a hell of a dream. I was watching from a bird’s eye view, and it was Isabella’s initiation. First the leader of the gang had used a blade to slice of her already skimpy dress, then cut off her undergarments. He praised Brianna … Read more

Sunday Part 1

I woke up to her rubbing my stomach and below my belly button. I opened my eyes and she was smiling beautifully. “Good morning!” she said, blue eyes beaming. She was already in a new bra and underwear, and she appeared to have washed up from the night before which was weird because I didn’t … Read more

The Challenge 4: Origins and Revelations

Author’s Note: This is a prequel of sorts. It covers Bob’s history and background. After the first few chapters, time starts whizzing by, as decades were covered. I recommend reading the first three Challenge stories as there are Easter Eggs, character cameos, and call backs to them in this story. The characters of Tiffanie and … Read more

Alexa Gets A Girl Off

Alexa sat beside Derek, each of them in a separate folding chair, with her body pivoted and leaning as she jerked him off. Alexa is a high school senior and Derek is a Sophomore. They had found that the small sound proof practice rooms in the Band Dept were great for an afternoon hand job … Read more

Demonic Dealings

The Malecroft family has been prosperous for six generations, successful in all their endeavors, whether it was a new business venture or a bid for political power. The men in the family always find beautiful, wealthy woman to marry and those women only ever birth sons. But that family has a very dark secret, and … Read more