Unexpected Visitor_(0)

You open my door; I’m sitting on the foot of my bed watching T.V. I look over not knowing what to expect. My eyes start at your feet with your 3 inch black open toed heels, following your legs up to the curves in your hips. I stop. I realize that I didn’t see any … Read more

homicidal sociopaths are often the most charming of men

i followed him down the thin, winding dirt path, snaking it’s way through the park. he was walking a few steps ahead of me, with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his low rise Levi’s. dawn was just barely breaking, the droplets of dew on the surrounding blades of grass glistened, it looked … Read more

The Man of Sin: The Series_(0)

Chapter 1: Berlin, Germany: The young man climbed up out of the bed, leaving the naked woman to silently cry. He looked out the window at the rainy city, chuckling to himself in both satisfaction and anticipation. “What in God’s name are you?” the woman hissed as she curled up in the fetal position. She … Read more


At two-thirty on Sunday Alice arrived, dressed very demurely, and just as Veronica had told me looking like a librarian, with unattractive reading glasses, though just as she said, she might have a good body. “The thought of us helping you find another man has great appeal for us. Relax and stop behaving like a … Read more


This story is complete fiction. Note: Consenting adults acting out fantasies on the other hand, writing stories of imaginary events (like this one), or discussing these topics with others; is quite all right, and entertaining as well. by Morbidream ————————————————————————— It all started innocently. As they say, “the road to hell is paved with good … Read more

The Invisible Man

Ladies…If you liked the story let me know which woman you would be in he story please. And guys what girl would you have done? Thanks–Jen The invisible man walked down the beach. There were girls everywhere. Thin ones, yummy mommies, middle age cougars. Which one or two or three he thought to himself would … Read more

The Girl’s Dragon, Part I

Temur felt an arm nudge his side, breaking him out of his nap. “Hm, what?” he asked, but the other guard simply pointed down the moonlit road. There, not far distant, he spied a lone traveller in a long cloak, walking towards Keystone’s gate. The stranger rode no horse and carried no pack, but simply … Read more

Susie’s Zoo Submission V

Susie sank into a blissful, if restless, sleep, trying to forget the experiences of the last few days. Every time she turned, her pussy and ass burned as if it were on fire from where the snake had been fucking her. As she thought about it, the scaly, writhing animal between her legs, she couldn’t … Read more

IN DREAMS: Gunny and Me

This is just a short story. I wrote it and it is significantly toned down from my usual as I was going to post it on another site that didn’t allow some genres, but even in a dream they wouldn’t allow it. I should probably go back and enhance it, but enjoy this version for … Read more

Alien Orgy

She awoke to find herself in overwhelmingly unfamiliar surroundings. Nothing was even vaguely identifiable as being of earth. Her heart sprinted, adrenaline surged through her, her breathing coming in panicked gasps. As she looked around for a way out of this bizarre environment, she became aware of being covered in a slick substance. She was … Read more

Life’s a Beach

Chapter One: On the beach The weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out. Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand, kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel. “Better put … Read more


“I can still recall the wonderful three-way sex I had with you and your man. You were an impressive couple, your magnificent ass and his thick, nine-inch erection were very exciting for me.” “Tell me about new man?,” I ask my voyeuristic streak aroused. “Troy is a business professional, a good looking colored man, more … Read more

Digimon: Rise and Fall: Chapter 2: Vanity

Mimi stood in her dressing room getting ready for her performance. All around her were make up artists and hair stylists getting her ready. Her hair was back to her natural brown colour. Her first talent agent told her to drop the pink hair to focus on her more natural beauty. She wore a stylish … Read more

Our First Time_(4)

“I want this song! How do I get it?” I said excitedly. I was over at a friend’s house on a beautiful summer night. Waiting on our mutual friend to get off work. Going through some of his music to put on my mp3 player. “OK, hang on… there you go.” He said moving closer … Read more

The Marriage Bed

She was married off young. She was fifteen when she married a thirty-five year old man, his name was Rohan. She was afraid of him, and he was turned on by her. She was short, had well placed curves. Her breasts were fairly large for her frame and were often displayed prominently at the top … Read more