Butcher Babies and the X-Rated Show by

It was just two weeks after the female-fronted metal band Butcher Babies ended their nationwide tour opening for Marilyn Manson. The tour had been a huge success—on the surface, at least. True, most of the venues had had either sold out or come very close to the mark, but partway into the tour it became … Read more

Bible Belt Bride Chapter 3_(0)

Knoxville, The Orgy Shawn and Nicky were actually a part of a larger group of swingers that frequently got together. Sometimes it was just a few couples; other times it could turn into an all-out orgy of twenty people or more. It just depended on who could make it. One of the couples in the … Read more

A Trucker Drives it Home

Doug acted like a ship’s captain. He slung a long rope skilfully over the flat bed, leapt up himself, on the second attempt, threw a huge canvas in a heap with other gear, drew the rope over it several times, jumped off, made a truckers slip knot and applied tension. I watched as his bulging … Read more

Musical Urge

So I like football. I like seeing a bunch of guys ramming into each other at full force. I suppose I just like violence. My dad thinks that’s worrisome, says someone at my age shouldn’t be that into physical pain. I don’t know what his problem is. I’m already twelve! But that day that we, … Read more

House of Sin

Katie was unsure about what she should do. Her boyfriend had just broken up with her and kicked her out of his place. As she sat in her car with her meager belongings she ran through her options. Stacy might take her in, but she’d been clear in the past that she wasn’t big on … Read more

From Sex Deprived to Sex Addicted Pt. 9

Nick entered his home curiously optimistic. If Robert or his mother saw him with the goofy smile he had plastered on his face, especially after his rude exit this morning, they would probably send him to the nut house. Nick reflected on the last words his therapist said to him. He arrived at the conclusion … Read more

A MILF and Two Young Punks

When you are eighteen years old and have a cock between your legs, you basically want to fuck everything that moves. Being young, dumb, and full of cum has a way of making you throw the normal thought process to the wind. But still, when you’re that young and have massive wet dreams every other … Read more

Alex at a conference

I was headed to a conference for work when my coworker had to cancel so they sent someone else with me. Alex was an average looking woman in her early 40’s. We knew each other enough to be friendly but not well. We arrived and the hotel had us booked in one room. Corporate forgot … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 16

Chapter 16 I got home and went in my room to cool off a bit and change out of my bathing suit which was getting a bit uncomfortable as it was tight and was digging into my skin. I started with the top first since that was where the most discomfort was coming from. As … Read more

The Hitchhiker Chapter 7 – Cleaning Service

It was just past 8 o’clock when we walked in the bar and I was surprised the place was pretty empty. “Wow, it’s dead in here,” I said. “Happy hour’s over Tony so the place always clears out until after 10,” Beth said. “That makes sense. It’s been such a long time since I had … Read more

ADICKTION Parts 1&2 by

Author’s Note: I’m going to try to explain what’s going on. I originally posted this story(Adicktion) under the name Staci. The account was closed but the story was posted anyway. Check out the link to Staci if you don’t belive it. Apparently the admin doesn’t answer emails or try to solve problems. I spent a … Read more


We had spent a wonderful day in the back yard, my husband, 3 of his friends, my folks, we had a nice BBQ, lots of beer, and wine coolers, the next day my husband and his friends wanted to drive up to the newly opened East Germany for a day and look around, since before … Read more

Milk of Desire, Book III: Chapter 1 – Setting a new direction.

I woke the next day as if nothing had ever happened. Jen wasn’t rude, but happy as she woke me up for the breakfast Mom was making. Mom had the day off as did we, and we enjoyed a Sunday home as a normal family. It was refreshing to take a break from sneaking and … Read more