Lonely Julie Chapter 12 Last Chapter

Chapter 12 Lonely Julie Last Chapter When the 11 year olds Mandy and Timmy had headed for the beach Julie and Sally went with the 14 year old boys Terry and Hank, who was Mandy’s brother. The girls slipped their T shirts and shorts off and told the boys to take off their shorts as … Read more

Naruto: Lost in the Forest of Lust chapter 8

Naruto was walking back to his apartment from the hot springs. Today had started out horrible. His sensei had ditched him to train Sasuke and given him the closet pervert instead. Then an old freak appeared and interrupted his training. But in the end Ero-sennin decided to train him and helped him complete the water … Read more

My husband’s whore

I was sitting in my office at work, looking at porn on my computer, when my phone rang, and my husband spoke to me. “Miss Smith, would you please bring the champagne in now. We’ve just signed the contract.” Smith is my maiden name. Immediately I stood up, slipped my short skirt and my little … Read more


Chapter 5 SOME DAYS COULD BE BETTER. As the boys waited for someone to come and rescue them from their small Island their parents back in the states were frustrated that no news was given about any reports of the lost boys. “Captain Mc Cain, what news have you about the navy and air force … Read more

Camping Fun

I enjoy traveling by myself. I can stop and take my time to check out some interesting place when I feel like it. Some of my best vacations had no planned destination, route or schedule. I just drove, often forgetting about the interstates and following the secondary routes through small towns and countryside. Some of … Read more

Bigboy and His Bitches Part 3

Bigboy and his bitches; Part 3 Vickie and Julie were in each other’s arms quickly, kissing, tearing each other’s clothes off until Vickie says, we need to slow down and get in that shower girl. They do. They hug as they stand under the hot streaming water laughing as Julie says, “I don’t think I … Read more

Samantha from Lady to Slut

Samantha’s Night Out The excitement had been building for weeks. Samantha knew something was in the wind but she didn’t know what. Nervously she dressed for an evening out. Her husband had told her that it was a special treat but he would tell her nothing more even though she pleaded, threatened, cajoled, and tried … Read more

Unfathomable Fantasies I – Rape of Amelia and Yen Yi (Part 2)

“Holy Shit! Forty-five men?! Per girl? That’s sick.” exclaimed Alex, the new guy in the control room. Elise rolled her eyes. “Not really. You’ll see once you’re here long enough.” Alex was still not convinced. “I mean, seriously, 15 dicks to each hole, how does a virgin, or any girl for that matter take it? … Read more

Cultivating Betty’s Garden

Sunday morning brought a clear sunny and warm day and we were all expected at Grandma’s house for Sunday dinner to welcome Cousin Betty. Little did anyone know that Betty had already received my welcome package. My sister Jean knew of my night on the town with Betty but I could trust her not to … Read more

Capt. James T Kirk and the 5 hour erection.

The Enterprise had orbited the planet Donovan 4 for three days and landing parties had found it a very pleasant place. It was somewhat Earthlike with a 50/50 ratio of land to water. The temperature near the equator, where they had landed, was averaging around 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and only going down … Read more

Planting the seed

“Maria, all these men want to impregnate you. Are happy to let them try?” The big-titted brunette, already naked and laying on her back on the bed with her legs spread, nodded at her Hubby. “Yes please,” was all she managed to get out between her heavy breathing in anticipation of the first cock entering … Read more

Beastiality Porn Star

One Saturday morning my wife Kate (26) was busy surfing the internet. For about thirty minutes or so after she finished she was deep in thought. When I went into the kitchen to make cups of tea Kate came in. Rather sheepishly she announced that she had found an advert on the net which would … Read more

she’s all mine3_(0)

It was just john the girls and some of his guy friends left. Miss Owen was on top of Olivia riding her pussy hard. My cock was in her mouth and she was moaning into it. “Oh miss owen” I groaned “Call me Joanna” she said then took her attention back to my cock it … Read more