Kelly’s Magical Saterday

 Kelly woke to sun cascading over here perfectly rounded size C breasts, She giggled as she pinched he half-inch light pink nipple and sent a shock throughout her body. It was a Saturday which made it all the better.  Kelly was 21, lived alone, virgin, not particularly social, but if she was she would have … Read more

Wizards of Waverly Place: Episode 3

Hi again, guys. I know a lot of you complained about the length of the last one, but no worries, the third part is longer. Now a couple of comments and PM requested some Hannah Montana or Suite life stories. I’ve been thinking about it, and I want to try a Hannah Montana story, but … Read more

Tee Baby, The Slut I Made My Girlfriend Part 3_(0)

It had been six months since my friend and I used my girlfriend as our cum dumpster. The initial shock wore off and I accepted the fact that it was a one-time thing. I loved this girl despite the fact she sucked my friend dry. We were young and experimentation wasn’t out of my mind. … Read more

Slippery Susie – My MILF – Part Three

Slippery Susie – Part 3 – Back at Work (Susie, Kerry & Jake) MFM Only 15 minutes had passed for Susie before her sister walked in the front door. Shane had spent the time away from the living room. Susie was not sure if it was guilt or he did not think he could stop … Read more

Fixing My Car

Fbailey story number 196 Fixing My Car Recently I had developed a noise in the exhaust system of my car and after checking it out I had gone to the auto parts store to get some stuff to fix it with. As I usually do I went overboard and bought a whole lot more stuff … Read more

Scotty Gets Balled Deep

My name is Scotty. It was at my mother’s boyfriend’s urging that I joined the Varsity basketball team. Being short and whatever the opposite of athletic is(sissified), I only got a spot on the team as water boy. My mother’s boyfriend had been living with us for two years now. Since I was sixteen. He … Read more

Breaking In And Getting Caught

“I love these small town people, always so trusting,” Frank said to himself as he carefully opened the unlocked window on the first floor of the secluded farm house. “Such dumb hicks make my job so easy.” Climbing silently into the dark room, he snapped on a small but powerful flashlight and surveyed the surroundings, … Read more

Property of Devil’s Outlaws (Part 11)

Chapter 12: Hannah’s Bold Escape Attempt Hannah did not come close to making her $3000 quota. By the time she got back out to the bar, it was past midnight and more than half of the patrons she’d seen when Wayne and Carl had bought her were long gone. Moreover, after the horrendous nightmare the … Read more

The Poker Game_(1)

Poker, that’s all my husband thought about lately. I know it’s the new thing, its on TV and everyone wants to be the poker champ. But he was now having his four friends over every Friday, Saturday and even Sunday nights just to play poker. When they got done it took me all week to … Read more

Teen Titan Chronicles 2

Introduction: What those kids really get up to I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the … Read more

Drug raped

As she slowly regained conciousness, Kaya opened her eyes and tried to figure out what was happening. She didn’t see much at first, but as soon as her eyes got used to the shadowy darkness in the room, she noticed five or six guys standing next to her, naked. Unfortunately, that wasn’t all. Her senses … Read more

The Challenge 5: Lisa’s Family

The Challenge 5: Lisa’s Family Chapter 1 Lisa put her long, dark brown hair in a ponytail, grabbed and lit a cigar, and slowly slid herself into a nice, hot bath. Smiling as the hot water enveloped her small, 5’2” body, she sucked on the cigar, savoring the taste. “My doctor would tell me not … Read more

Three nights in Melbourne – The first orgy

I was in Melbourne to take part in a conference called the International Outdoor Education Research Conference. Dull? Maybe. What excited me though were the possibilities of having sex with as many different men as possible in three days. My flight landed at 5pm and I caught a cab into my hotel near Chinatown on … Read more

The Fast Slide Down

Shelly was excited, it was her first college class. She was forty-one and her kids were almost grown. Shelly had stared at the future and saw that it was pretty empty. Even though her husband was not totally supportive of her effort, Shelly had decided to return to college and obtain a degree. This was … Read more