PREFACE This was originally posted in Jan 2007 as a short story to someone’s request, but lost with the revision to the SEX STORIES. I had re-edited it – hopefully with no errors and re-posted it in the forum on Feb 11, 2009. It had good reviews and readership. This was the original parts one … Read more

Window Watching

To all my readers I want you to realize that this will probably be my last story for awhile. I’m moving back home next week and I won’t have access to the internet. If you are a devoted reader I apologize. For those of you who are first time readers of one of my stories, … Read more

The Sister Act part 2

The ecstasy I had been feeling had now turned to an immense feeling of horror. Rachel and Andrea were gaping through the window at Emma’s and mine entwined bodies. Emma was quick on the ball, she rushed to the door and ushered our two stunned friends inside before they could make a scene. I couldn’t … Read more

Succubus Kiss – Part 1

Hi everyone. This is my first story post so be gentle. This is the first of, hopefully, a long story line. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to post comments or suggestions. The dark room was illuminated only by the images playing on the computer screen. The video constantly altered the look of … Read more

Family Affair_(2)

Rachel lay in bed, unsatisfied as always. The vivacious forty-three-year-old mother of two teenagers watched as Tom, her husband of 20 years, put on his pants with a grin on his face. He had enjoyed their brief sexual encounter. The routine that she had grown bored of was satiating for him. He touched her tits, … Read more

Biblical Proportions – Chapter 3 – Diabolical Divas

*WHAP* Ethan’s small frame jolted as the full force of Asha’s knee slammed into the guard pad. He steadied himself, tensed his body and waited for the next blow. *THWAP* Ashaki’s muscular leg blasted into the cushioning, her shin crushing the polyurethane leather exterior. The pad flexed and Ethan was forced to take two steps … Read more


The dark wooden cabin glowed in the firelight as the beautiful woman put logs on the hearth. She was clothed in a tattered light blue dress and petticoat; her heaving chest barely contained inside a string lattice blouse. Her black bobbed hair, streaked with oil shinning roots reflected the fires glow, along with her angelic … Read more

Chris’s Gangbang

On to the story… Chris’s Big Bang My ex-wife had always had a fantasy of being gangbanged and loved to role play being raped… not the violent anger filled rape but one where she was taken and had no control over what, who or when she was forced to do. This story is about my … Read more

Fun With Alchemy Day 1

Hello, my name is Alex, I am an alchemist. For those of you who don’t know I have recently been invited to my girlfriend Robin’s for the next five days. And I have decided to bring along with me some potions to spice things up. Also one interesting potion that traveled through my cum has … Read more

Blackmail! – Part1 by

This story involves some of the most ebarrassing, and at the same time, most enjoyable experiences of my life. My ex and I had undergone a lengthy separation involving custody of our son in which I lost. As with any custody situation, there were a lot of allegations thrown back and forth. Like I said, … Read more

Sakura’s Winter Break – part 3: Final Fitting

Part 3: The final fitting Sakura stared at herself in the mirror in the bathroom. She grabbed the hand towel closest to her and patted the fresh water off of her beautiful smooth porcelain skin. Reaching into her bag she reapplied her eyeliner to highlight her large almond-shaped brown eyes. Next, she found and applied … Read more

The Ride Home_(2)

As Hannah was sitting on the bench waiting for the #7 train to arrive, she noticed how crowed the subway looked tonight. Knowing that the train cars would be packed full she signed as the she saw the train arriving at the station. She figured that once again she would be standing cramed packed in … Read more


Sarah was relaxed, wearing heels, a short denim skirt and a matching denim jacket, just one button fastened, obviously no bra, as she flaunted her wonderful thighs and modest cleavage. As the time of arrival of my new sexual experience neared (or will it be our sexual experience}, Sarah teased me by asking, “Your new … Read more

The Weekend Dinner

I owned and operated a business for over ten years and have had quite a few employees during the course of that time. There was one person I will call Mike that I took under my wing and helped a little more than I helped my other employees. One reason was that I hired Mike … Read more

Have you ever?

“At least four or five times a week, my man and I are only just past forty and we both have strong sex drives, still. Our bodies are still attractive to both men and women. For him my big ass and hips is his big turn on, and for me his equipment, he is the … Read more