Broken Bliss CH 4

Thank you for all the comments to date. I truly appreciate them all (Yes, even the negative ones). Broken Bliss Chapter 4 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I was rather disappointed to wake up this morning, and realize Mom hadn’t come in to see me last night. Had I done something to offend her? If so I needed to … Read more

The House that Jo Built: Chapter Seven: The Found Weekend

Charlie heard a car horn honk out front. He took a deep breath then rushed downstairs. “I’m leaving!” He announced to the house. “Have fun, be home before midnight!” Charlie’s mom yelled from the other room. “I told you, we don’t know when it’ll end! It’s D&D!” Charlie, suddenly afraid he was being too conspicuous, … Read more

George’s 40th

The brothers were close so there is no doubt that they had talked about our sharing arrangements in the past. Unlike Pete who has been separated for the last two years, George is happily married with a family but despite this, Pete has managed to convince him that he should leave his 30s with a … Read more

Selling Your Soul

Selling Your Soul Written and Edited by PgFalcon The sun was setting in the sky to the west, and I was sitting on the sofa of my two friend’s apartment. A regular day like any other: it promised nothing out of the ordinary might occur… but occur it did. “Hey!” shouts John as I sit … Read more

Evil Dudes-Chapter 2

The four of us shared an old farm house, with a barn, a large yard, and a huge basement. It was roughly in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. The surrounding farmland, beyond the woods, had been sold to an agribusiness. We never saw anyone we didn’t want to see. We pulled the van … Read more

The best way to relax after a hard practice

Practice was rough today, so most of the girls went home to rest afterwards. Amy, Sara, and I, however, couldn’t wait for home for a shower. We were all juniors in high school, and all good friends. The three of us decided to go ahead and take a shower at the gym as Coach finished … Read more

Young Fun

The sun was coming up, and I was just sitting down to a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper. Sure I miss the paper aspect, but I’d still rather read the news on my iPad rather than watch and listen to those morons on the TV. Then, my phone rang… “Hello,” I answered. “Hey … Read more

Bride Submission: A Big Surprise

“I just need to warn you my family is very different,” Bradley said out of the blue as we reached their luxury hotel…they occupied the penthouse suite. The way he stressed the word ‘very’ and the look of anxiety on his face had me slightly concerned. I comforted him, “Honey, if they are anything like … Read more

Sibling reunion leads to new relationship – Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : My first time The following day Jessie started off with a full tour of her house, from the old light room at the top of the tower to the conservatory with a grand piano sitting in the morning sunlight and finally to the Jacuzzi, which overlooked the steep cliffs. Taking my hand … Read more

Subjects 0 – CH 2_(0)

It had been two weeks since April had tried to teach Adam how to control his libido. Two weeks of near-complete success, and utter failure. Success, because he could control his urges more often than not. The only times he failed to control himself is when he remembered what April and him had done. Failure, … Read more

Mike the bipolar mancunt/cumdump escapades – Running into some homeless guys

These are all true life stories of how I have struggled with my bipolar illness and that fact that I am a worthless gay faggot. By day a normal, guy next door nerdy engineer, and by night a uninhibited mancunt that gets into all sorts of abusive situations…Many on from postings on CL and other … Read more

Dad, I Have a Question — Part 5

This is the final installment in this series. It would be helpful to the reader to be familiar with the earlier chapters, particularly Part Four. PLEASE NOTE: These are completely fictional tales about a single father, his daughter, and her friends. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Previously: Jamie, teenage … Read more


Having been introduced to fuit marinated in pussy juice, our eating becomes even more adventurous. As I said in the first instalment the story is absolutely true. Because of various circumstances I didn’t have breakfast with Chris and Rebecca for a few days but the next time I called in as usual Chris was again … Read more