Case Study 301: So your family wants to become nudists and swingers!

Case Study 301: So your family wants to become nudists and swingers! Chapter 14 Thank you for returning to another exciting chapter in the ongoing saga of Kristen Foster and her plight. I want to warn those who have sensibilities about incest between grown men and younger women. This is your warning to leave NOW … Read more

Going Nova ch. 3: The Dressing Room

Warrick heard a knocking at the front door. He cracked his eyes open and squinted into the morning sunlight. It was Saturday, and he had some idea of who could possibly be coming over so early, but he didn’t delight in the commotion she was likely to bring, so he groaned and turned over. The … Read more

Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can’t say I was worried about mum’s reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence … Read more

My Awakening_(0)

Introduction Once a month on Friday night, all day Saturday and most of Sunday, this was always a strange time in the house that I grew up in. On these weekends my older sister, myself and my younger brother were literally banned from our own house. All I knew was that I had to camp … Read more

The Shed Club (Part 4)

First of all, massive apologies for the delay in producing part 4. Unexpected crisis with family flu all over the place. Everyone better now, so I can respond to the last set of feedback….. “Trainers” in the UK refer to sports footwear…..Nike, Adidas, Puma etc. I don’t think there are any other queries, so on … Read more

My dirty panties

Panties! Does that word make all you men get an erection! Men have no idea how wet a pair of panties can become after a work out at the fitness centre. Or maybe they do!! In the changing room are lovely girls peeling off their panties which have accumulated sweat, pussy juice and other fluids … Read more