We managed to get an all over sun tan on the nude beach over two days before the rain started and it looked as though it would last for the rest of our holiday. On the first wet afternoon we had a bath together as foreplay for the lesbian sex we had tacitly agreed to. … Read more

Under Tori’s Butt

I wasn’t confident in my youth. I was too afraid of girls to approach them and the thought of asking one out sent shivers through me. Besides, what good would it do to ask one out if all I wanted to do was put my face in her ass? The dating pool for that kind … Read more

How to train your fratboy (Ch 8)

Sir watched Brad bemusedly in the mirror as he clumsily hobbled around on his chin and knees behind her. The overturned plate of her breakfast leavings having been licked clean, Brad himself was now in ignominious pursuit of her half-eaten piece of toast. His hard-on swung shamefully this way and that as he finally cornered … Read more

Crossing Paths Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – The plan Davon is an African-American man in his mid-thirties, until recently he worked at UPS and loved his job. Unfortunately, fate had a different plan. 2 months ago Davon was delivering a package to an older white woman over in Rogers Park. When he got to her house she was already … Read more

Mistress Michelle

As I hung up the phone with my mistress, I was both excited and nervous. I stood there pulling on my purple panties and she instructed, and started to think about the last time I had seen her. I wanted to be in control for once, and she allowed me to do so. I stopped … Read more

Winds of Revenge

repost: this is ass-domination by high school girls–facesitting, facefarting, humiliation–does not contain penetration or oral sex. ———————————— It was a simple plan but one that progressed to unimaginable events. How could watching a simple high school football game turn into something so insane, and a week later, into something so life-changing? I was a freshman … Read more

Twins Revenge

Twins Revenge I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock … Read more

An honour killing ?

AN HONOUR KILLING? It was a summer day, somewhere in the hinterlands of the grain belt. atleast that’s what the school children read. the inhabitants knew otherwise. true, it produced grain, lots of it, but it also produced rapes on a huge scale. pooja knew this. she had heard how their grandmother came to their … Read more

my boss’s Daughter

My boss’s daughters are gorgeous. One blonde, one brunette. Beautiful angels. The brunette Charlotte had just turned sixteen and the blonde Amy was seventeen. Every time I visited my boss and his wife I had trouble trying to keep my eyes off the angels. Amy was well developed with huge jutted torpedo tits. On the … Read more

My Cousin Samantha

The idea just came to me. It’s kind of from the experiences that I’d have with my cousins except this one was more extreme and caused by one girl. For some reason girls just loved to take advantage of me when I was little. Again I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors, but I’m too lazy … Read more

Caught and taught chapter 1

The journey down on the train had been ok. My colleagues had chatted and gossiped most of the way whilst I read. We were attending a seminar on management (yawn), but that meant we were away from work for a couple of day and got to stay in a reasonably nice hotel. I was going … Read more


– CHAPTER 7: Date – After Gabriella and I rinsed off in the shower together and got dressed, I made sure I knew what mall we were going to, and then took a few deep breaths downstairs, focusing my thoughts in order to look fully human. She approached me cautiously once I was done, looking … Read more

Pep, Spirit and Facials – Chapter 2

“.. stupid fucking cheer practice out in this hot fucking sun.. ” Eloise grumbled to herself the entire length of the way as she plodded along back towards the distant campus gymnasium locker room doors. Behind her, the wheels on the cart she was responsible for towing back to the locker room crunched over the … Read more