Sex Pot-Chapter 2 MacAnus

If you would like to see the story continue, you can email me with your opinions and suggestions at: [email protected] This is fantasy. I try to make my stories seem at least plausible, but none of this is taken from real events. I should be so lucky. If you have ideas about directions you might … Read more

Innocent Craving

Caleb should be back by now. I was idly thinking that while I cook our dinner. Today is Friday, it’s my turn to cook. I’m also going all out on this meal, especially since it’s Friday and Caleb will be tired from his football training. Our parents were always working, so it was always just … Read more

Detention 2 Booker

Me and Chris Green got suspended for three days for fucking on the floor of our Spanish Class, and once we came back to school, we had two more weeks of detention to finish. Surprisingly, none of the other students knew what had gone down between Chris and I. And I was grateful and relieved. … Read more

Scratch that Itch.

Summer vacation after my first year at UCLA, my folks were busy travelling round the country on an extended college visiting trip with my sister. They were going to be gone four weeks and had leased the house through a rental agency to make a little money. I was pissed about it, because I’d been … Read more

My gay seduction.

I was in his apartment. He was older than me by a few years and I suspected he was at least bi-sexual but he was a nice guy and it was just to watch the game on his big-screen, so no big deal. Had a few beers and the game ended. “Feel like watching a … Read more

Wet Dreams_(0) by

I know there has to be something wrong with this apartment. No one rents out a huge loft like this for one-tenth of the market value unless it’s haunted or something. But since I haven’t found a steady job yet, I don’t really have a lot of options. This is all that I can afford. … Read more