Mom’s wild sex life

My dad’s wife Jody, sat on the bed and started to tell me about things that she and my dad did over th years, she was about 15 years younger than my dad, and she was his first following the death of my mom. It was kind of “TMI Jody for fucks sake” but she … Read more

Hitting The Showers Part 2

“What the fuck is going on here!?!?” said Tim, the senior captain. “We can explain-” I began. “-Alex!? Are you two naked!?” said Tim. He reached forward and knocked our clothes out of our hands, revealing our dangling junk. “Holy shit!” Tim reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he flipped it up … Read more

The Next Day_(0)

I got up, went to have a quick bath before school. I grabbed my clothes, dressed and down stairs. “Morning mom, how are you?” I asked mom as she sat in the kitchen pulling on the end of a cigarette. “Not so loud Jay, head is banging son” was her answer. Mom would always be … Read more

My Story Ch. 03

I woke early the next morning to the sound of the shower running and in my sleepy state, could make out the steam drifting under the door. I was unsure of the time but it still seemed dark outside. I remembered some of the details from the night before and the naughty fun O and … Read more

My First Cock Chapter 2

As I drove home from the Adult Bookstore, I felt a bit giddy. I had done it! I sucked a cock, and jerked it off. And loved it! As Gary and I left the store, I guess we were both still a bit nervous. Fortunately, the parking lot was still empty. “Well, thanks, I really … Read more

An Amazing First Time

This all started when I was only 16 years old. I had a friend named Shaun, and we had known each other since 2nd grade. We would always talk about porn and make jokes about sex. One day we were walking around talking about porn and I got extremely horny. So horny to the point … Read more

Involving the little brother in the workout scheme.

Seducing our teenage, black neighbour Jay was always a fantasie for me and my husband. A few weeks ago it turned into reality. I still can’t believe what happened. Did we really suck and rim that beautiful, hot 18 year old stud in our shower? Right after a sweaty gym session. I touch my lips … Read more

Taking Ownership

Taking Ownership By Randy MacAnus NOTE: All rights are reserved by the author. If you are underage in your jurisdiction or you are offended by stories of gay sex, that includes bondage, Dominant/submissive themes, pain and humiliation, then do not read this. The author does not encourage or condone the use of manipulation or dishonesty … Read more

Fifty Bucks

“Shit, it’s really come down now. We’re snowed in for sure.” I’m listening to my roommate moaning again about the snow storm that struck last night that is expected to last for at least two more days. “Hey Cory, relax man. As long as we can get to the student union we won’t starve.” He … Read more

College Bathroom

What was I doing here? Here I was, late on a Friday night, sitting in a bathroom stall in the basement of a men’s dorm at the local college. I was sitting there with my pants around my ankles as if I was using the toilet for it’s intended purpose, but really I was just … Read more

Control Geek

Mitchell Gandolf was a wizard at science, especially Chemistry and Micro-Biology. So, inevitably, he was a geek of the first magnitude. They called him Mr. Wizard at school and usually not in a kind way. His last name didn’t help. Even though it was spelled a bit different than the wizard from the “Lord Of … Read more

Evil Dudes

Evil Dudes By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018 All rights reserved by the author. If you like the story, and want another chapter, click like and/or comment at the end. Story suggestions are welcome. This is a story of rape and sexual enslavement of a straight college student. by gay men. If this sort of thing … Read more

do me a favor?_(0)

Every summer my brother and I go to stay at my grandparents house out in a small town. Me and my cousins stay there for a week and basically do whatever we want. The problem is my brother is 8 and the only other cousins who stay there are 6 and 12 years old. I … Read more