Me and James in our tent

We were both I the army cadets, we joined at the same time and became best mates. I was 14, and James was 13 turning 14. Every single camp we went on, we slept in the same tent, we did everything together and we were a good two man team. James had no idea that … Read more

Max’s first time by

Max was a good looking kid of 13 at the time that I met him. Five foot three if that, brown hair and eyes, lean muscular for his age. I first met him a few years ago when I was younger. I walked into a gym and there he was, doing his karate. He could … Read more

My College Days As The Intern

I was living the simple life of living on campus, having a part-time job, full time student, a girlfriend that made all my friends jealous, and just feeling like one of the luckiest persons alive. However, my girlfriend and I were on the on again off again cycle as we usual did when breaks in … Read more

Tease Ch.1

I woke up with a jump and turned to my clock. 7:16?! Oh my god, I had to be at school in fourteen minutes. I jumped up from my bed and ran to the restroom, hurriedly washing my face and brushing my teeth. I then changed into my clothes and put on my shoes. I … Read more

Blowing Rusty

The first time I saw Rusty, I knew I had to have him. He was perfect. Blond, 6 ft. tall, muscular but lean, the most beautiful blue eyes, and this quirky smile that could melt the polar ice caps. He was 17 and on the local high school football team. Every afternoon, at 3:30, the … Read more

Slutty New Year

“I’ve never actually had a satisfactory experience” The room went silent, everyone turned their eyes to the smaller boy of the group Kent, a conversation filled with the experience and closely kept fantasies of sex dying down to nothing, despite Kent’s grumpy personality and lack of interest in… anything he was the one with the … Read more

YBWL-4 (Corbin vs Mike) by

YBWL-4 (Mike vs Corbin) Hello! This is once again a story about young boys consensually having nonconsensual sex. If you have no desire for such a story, you should probably leave now. I’ve changed my name this time in an attempt to not have my account deleted right away. Please leave a comment if you … Read more

Evil Dudes-Chapter 2

The four of us shared an old farm house, with a barn, a large yard, and a huge basement. It was roughly in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. The surrounding farmland, beyond the woods, had been sold to an agribusiness. We never saw anyone we didn’t want to see. We pulled the van … Read more

College Daze

Author’s note: This is a spin-off of “The Librarian” series. Please read that first, or this will make little sense. I am no longer willing to accept anonymous comments, since most have nothing to do with the story. It is offered as a one-time experiment in that regard. If ratings are bad, then no more … Read more

Straight Hitchhikers’s First Anal

It was a warm sunny day as I stood on the side of the road. The semi-arid landscape seemed to go on forever and heat waves rippled near the surface of the ribbon of pavement that stretched to infinity in both directions. Wearing nothing but well-worn hiking boots, a pair of running shorts that seemed … Read more

What I Wanted Ch. 1

Ok I’m 16, in the 8th grade. I’m 5’4″. Everyone calls me Tony, and knows I’m bi, so yeah. On to the story… So there I was sitting in band class, watching as our instructor angrily walked out the band hall. Some of the kids were just being stupid, playing wrong notes and such. The … Read more

The Second Time

This second story happened in the same year as the last. After the first time that I had any kind of sexual encounter, my mind began to slowly wrap itself around the idea of my sexuality. Still so young at ten, I wasn’t honestly certain of everything. I knew what I felt both mentally and … Read more

Waterpark love part 3: The boat

Note: This is a continuation of my stories I have been writing, go back and read the others. I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the sun sparkling off the water. I got really confused as to where I was I shot upright. When I did this the little paddleboat toppled over sending … Read more