“Damn Mister!” The school teacher and student Pt. 1 (Revised)

My name is Michael Jacobs, I am 17 years old and a junior in high school. I live pretty normal teenage life. I have friends, family, all that. I’m pretty decent looking, 6’0 on the dot, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, nice teeth, and I keep myself well kept. Lately I’ve been wanting to go … Read more

I Fuck a Family

I Fuck A Family Every year I take a trip up the coast in early summer. I use this time for rest, recreation, and renewal by the sea. If I am in a relationship I will bring my partner, sometimes I am accompanied by a buddy or fuck-buddy. This year the drive up was uneventful. … Read more

Glory Holed Chapter 2_(0)

Nervously, I stayed away from the sex shop for a few weeks. Part of me was sickened that I had fucked another man in the ass, and part of me was thrilled. I did manage to coax my wife into sex a few days later, and the whole time I was in her I was … Read more

John and Alex — Part 2

Hello again everyone. Thanks to the people who have given me advice! Your support keeps me going strong 🙂 Today I decided to write more sex into this one. This site is not “Love Stories” its “Sex Stories”. I will write in more sex in this one. It will be long. I swear. I write … Read more

My first time with Jack

Not sure how to start this.I want to tell the true story of how I spent my first night with a guy…a guy I met in a hotel bar. I had never been with another guy in my adult life. I am a healthy, middle aged guy who works out all the time, is reasonably … Read more

Am I?

Am I? By Larry Malone It was one of those chilly raining afternoons in November when school was out and there was very little Ron and I could do with our free time. Our fall back activity was always his attic room with our combined collection of porn magazines. As Ron flipped through one of … Read more

Straight to Bi

After I finished university, I struggled for a good-paying job, and money was tight. But I couldn’t face living back at home. I managed to find a room to myself in a house-share with two other guys and three women. We were mostly in our early twenties and doing various entry-level jobs. One guy, Pete, … Read more

The Boy on The Grass

I was sitting on a bench having my sandwich lunch in the precinct of the Cathedral one warm summer day. Dotted around on the grass between the gravestones were various people enjoying the sun and one another’s company. It was the lunch hour, so lots of young – and older – people had come out … Read more

Escape to the mountains–Part Two

Enjoy the continuation! Remember: This is in fact a TRUE story. James’ hand was trembling as he led me towards the bed. I caught his eye and he had a huge grin on his face. It was then I realized it was my hand that was trembling. “nervous?” James asked. “well….yeah, I’ve never done anything … Read more

I want a big black dick

So, Im 24 years old got a little carried away one night on line. Ive been single for like 7-8 mo, working and going to school, not a lot of time to invest in a relationship. So, when I did finale get a 3 day weekend, I had nothing to do and 3 days to … Read more

The Weekend

The weekend started like many others at college, a frat party at the Point that continued on campus to the Quads where many of the younger frat members lived. It was my second year of college and this was the first real frat party of the semester. I was selected to be a resident assistant … Read more

Catch My Breath

!NON-EROTIC CHAPTER!-The characters in this story are not above the age of 18. They also attend a private highschool.-!NON-EROTIC CHAPTER! My alarm filled my ears with the music of a radio station. I fell to the floor, my foot having caught in the comforter when I tried getting out. “I’m up!” I yelled, then blushing … Read more

Mark the Spot_(0)

Mark The Spot I was thinking as I walked through the side door of my house that this was probably the worst day of my life. Humiliated at work… no, undermined by a snivelling little shit that worked for me and almost got me fired. To top it all off, my car pool gets screwed … Read more

Cocks are ugly

I was at my usual Friday night hangout, Smitty’s, on the highway just outside town. Most of the regulars were there, plus a few friends-of-friends, mostly 40-somethings. I looked forward to the evening; not only did Smitty have a great fish fry, we’d always have some laughs. The crowd thinned out around 11 most weeks, … Read more

Barn Banging

FROM THE AUTHOR – This is one of my very old stories – you can read my e-books by searching under the author name of Jimmy Seay at Amazon. I stopped at Kevin Hunter’s place, and honked the horn. I watched the screen door fly open and Kevin stepped out on the porch. Even from … Read more