Skateboard kid

Skateboard kid As I pulled up to the convience store I noticed a boy of about 14 standing in front of it. He was a typical skate boarder with no shirt, long hair, and camo pants worn down low. I thought that he looked like the kid who played John Conner in terminator II. I … Read more

Forced To Be Female Part 5

I could write this whole part just on the emotions that I went through in protective custody. It is similar to solitary confinement, but with books and supervised recreation time. It wasn’t easy getting the guards to let me in. I told them that I was afraid I was going to be raped. The problem … Read more

Bateman and Son Photography V

Tim slowly opened his eyes, and was momentarily confused by the unfamiliar surroundings. Then he smiled to himself and luxuriated in the feel of the smooth firm body he was spooned up against. He couldn’t believe he was sleeping in the same bed as another boy. He didn’t even remember going to sleep. After the … Read more

Nigerian Nightmare – Part 4

Baba and Daniel half-drowned me when they dumped me in a bath of cold water and began cleaning me up with a hand broom and scrubbing brush. They forced my head under the water several times, and when I came up for air, they targeted my face with hot water from the shower head. ‘I … Read more

rich boys love 12

when i got to the detention room i toke a seat and thought that a jack ass harvey was for telling about me and why was he being such a jerk to me again. i was sorry for leaving him in the hotel room like i did. i was in deep thoughts then detention room … Read more

rich boys love 14

after me and harvey had stopped kissing but my head was still spinning i looked round to see the whole park lot staring at us. i thought we going to get some shit from everyone but refreshingly we didnt after about 5 minutes the crowed walked off talking about that they had just seen. i … Read more

A new life for the Gribbles

A new life for the Gribbles —————- Chapters 1. The Gribbles new Life begins 2. A new life for the Gribbles takes shape 3. The gribbles real life begins —————- Chapter one: The Gribbles new Life begins * It was a bright sunny Friday afternoon in mid June when Bobby, and his best friend Joseph … Read more

Gotta Break ‘Em All 3: Machoke used Submission!

The town known as Azalea was in its final hours of existence as a populated settlement. The fate of its inhabitants was sealed, because a Machoke with an insatiable drive to kill had taken over, having evolved during a battle following an attempted takeover by Team Rocket. He was taller than many humans and perfectly … Read more

At Age 64 Chapter2

It’s been a week since my first encounter with Bill and John so I decided to give them a call. I was able to reach John first and asked if we could get together some time soon. He said that he had been thinking about me and that yes we should, then he asked when … Read more

My Co-workers first time with another man

I work in a large factory with a lot of co-workers. Its shift work so each shift always starts and ends at the same time. Less than a mile from work there is a gym and often a bunch of us go to the gym to work out and Jacuzzi then shower after a long … Read more

A long life fantasy eith my hot couzin

FIRST STORY WRITTEN……. KNOCK! KNOCK!! KNOCK!!! That was the first sound to what would eventually become the start of a long life fantasy, of mine. It was also the sound of someone outside my room knocing on my door, while I was changing into my PJ’s. My PJ’s which consisted of a tight white muscle … Read more

from curious to first time part 5

There is no other way to explain the last visit to Garys house than to say that , he rocked my world! That night is still memorable! After that night we met a few times, but not as often as we both became busy. We chatted and talked here and there but could not make … Read more

My Roommate_(1)

I was 19 years old and had just started my freshman year in college, I was an engineering student. I was an average guy, 5 feet 4, 160 pounds, blond hair and green eyes. I was not very popular in high school so I had prepared my self to be an outcast in college as … Read more

Cody and Adam pt1

This is my first story that I have written. I would really appreciate any constructive advice that can be had. This story is meant to be a longer one and will be broken into several parts. Part two will be put up at the same time as this one, I felt that the end of … Read more

Street Lights – 2

I’m wondering aimlessly down the hall with my messenger bag hanging off my left shoulder. I’d go look for Brad, but that’s a lot of work. I’ll see him later in study hall. Maybe. I might hit him up on BBM. I mean, it was just a blow job! If you put a pack of … Read more

Extra Credit_(4)

After School Chapter 1 As the bell continues to ring, I hear “Mr Gates” from over my shoulder. “A moment please.” My least favorite teacher, Mr Hill, beckons. As my fellow students exit the classroom, I reluctantly walk over to Mr Hill or Miss Hill as we refer to him in the locker room. Closing … Read more

My Life_(0)

It Was a normal day when i got to school,Football team practicing,People studying,classes going on,people just going on with their normal buisness,now i was a teen in 10th grade in high school,i was 16,black auburn hair,a bit muscley,5.4″ and i was skinny like most teens,i lived with my parents still,but i masturbated mostly in the … Read more

The Island Part One

Chapter One It was a cool windless night on the Moricana cruise ship. I was sitting on the deck at the back looking at the stars, thousands of them, twinkling back at me like millions of diamonds. I could barely believe I have been on this ship for over a week now already, but my … Read more

Deal gone wrong

I was in my sophomore year at college, one of the most prestigious schools in the country and excited about returning to school after the summer break. I came from a small town just outside of Denver and I had a whole plan to make a boat load of money this year. Since weed was … Read more