The dead-eyed lanky kid let me into the run-down old house at the edge of Tiger Village. It was the student ghetto for the local university. The house itself was probably once really nice. Now, it had been partitioned into a bunch of littler units. Dead Eyes, with his pale skin and his nose ring, … Read more

Little Anthonys Cock

It was late December and we were having a snack in the kitchen. By “we”, I mean me, my brother Brian, my brothers girlfriend Haley, and my brothers girlfriends cousin, Anthony. Let me give you a little backround. My brother and Haley had been dating about 6 months. She was at the house constantly. Not … Read more

Poker Dad’s Fuck Me

The COVID shut down really stuffed up my life. I’m just twenty years old, I lost of my job, I moved back with my parents. I’m not out to my parents, so for a few months there I had no social life, no sex life and no money. Pretty embarrassing having to go to your … Read more

My Evolving Transition – Ch. 03

Road trip from embarrassment The most gullible person in my town and world was me. After that night when I willingly let two strangers fuck me, people I knew snickered or mocked me. I can say one thing I enjoyed it will it was happening not knowing that it was a trap. There were signs … Read more

Apocolypse chapter 22+23

Apocalypse chapter 22 As before time passes faster than it seems and it is now late spring. We have made a lot of progress on repairing the crashed space ship with Adrien’s help. He has managed to get the power system inside repaired and with everyone else’s help some of the other minor damages have … Read more


“What desires do you want to bring to life? Would you like to stretch the boundaries? Maybe discover fantasies you and I hadn’t even considered? We could learn about different and exciting sex acts and some more sex techniques. Where can we begin?” “I would love you to watch another man giving you a blow … Read more

rich boys love part 20

when harvey came round to my house jason was already there we was all laughting and joking harvey walk over to me and gave me a kiss jason passed a comment saying “queers” harvey broke are kiss and said “hey watch your mouth you jack ass” i laughted and said “harvey he was joking” harvey … Read more

Bound to happen

They got me off the street, I was just out shopping. They pulled me into an upstairs office, and talked me into signing the waiver and release form, I knew it was a porn film, I looked forwards to meeting the ladies, and I throbbed at the thought of what I was going to do … Read more

Dad Doesn’t Stand A Chance: Part 5

I woke up the next morning to incessant knocking on my bedroom door. It was barely 8 in the morning and as you can remember, my night wasn’t filled with too much sleep. Finally irritated enough, I wrapped my covers around me and answered the door. It was Tom and he was in a fantastic … Read more

rich boys love 42

when i went to pick harvey up from the hospital he was so pleased to be coming home he signed his discharge papers and i drove him home when we got home i told harvey to go to bed he gave me his horny eyes and said “you coming with me” with a breif pause … Read more

Car Dealership Fiat

I was 15 and my mom insisted that my brother, sister, and I get involved in constructive activities while school was out for the summer. Ugh, one boring summer coming up. I was two years older than my sister and brother and had a different outlook on life since they were just 13. The activities … Read more

adult book store

One night i was feeling pretty horny so I put on a pair of sheer black pantyhose sweats and shoes and went to the adult store. Once i got there i got tokens then went into the back where the booths are. Once inside i took off my pants and sat there watching the films … Read more

Pizza Da Action Part 1: Gym Buddies

Some people might view me as a bit of a loser. Yeah, my job’s not the best – I’m a delivery driver at a pizza shop; and yeah, I still live with my mum – but in a flat (apartment, to you Yanks) in her back yard. But you know what? I’m my own person. … Read more

Cream fill long johns_(0)

It all started when my boss called me to her office. Steve we need you to go over to a clients home and give a estimate on new work around his pool. Sure that’s not a problem. Where might I be going. To Malibu. When you are there can you please just give him the … Read more