boarding school for loving boys chapter 6

Gay: Young friends Story line: This story contains sexual contact between consenting boys and teens, love is also involved. Do not read this story if you are under 18 and it’s against your laws to read it. I did not bend your arm to look at this so go away if you don’t like reading … Read more

Jesse — A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest & Abuse Part 2

Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in … Read more

When Harry tricked Ron….

Harry was now tired of beating around the bush. He was sitting with Ron at Grimmauld Place. Both of them were completely drunk. Harry feared that at least one or both of them were going to pass out soon. If that happened, Harry would never get a chance again. He had to act quickly… Ron … Read more

Street Lights – 8_(1)

*** Ch. 9 will be the final chapter I post here. I think I’ll start posting this story on another website. Shame, because I’ve been on here for years. Oh well. Hope you guys enjoy the first third of Street Lights, and thanks for reading! [[The beginning is for Ms. Joan. May she rest in … Read more

My first night as a Maid

This is my first story, so please leave some comments, thankies <3~ I sat up slowly and streched my arms out wide as i sat on the sofa, groaning a little as the aches released, and caringly draped my arms around the gorgeous boy next to me. Kyle, my boyfriend for a few years now, … Read more

Unexpected Love — Part 2

There was some confusion from when I said “can I move in with my boyfriend” in part 1. That was a mistype. It was supposed to say “can I spend the night with my boyfriend?” ^_^ I woke up to Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides. I checked for the alarms location and it was … Read more

rich boys love 27

the next day me and havrey went site seeing and when we got back to the hotel i open my suitcase and gave harvey the gift i was intending to give him i told harvey i was going to the bathroom and i will be back soon when i came out the bathroom i was … Read more

The Barber

During my junior year in college, I lived alone in a small city apartment. My entire social life consisted of short, random conversations with students in my classes, or coworkers at my warehouse night job. I didn’t mind. I was lonely, but not that lonely. I wanted a girlfriend. Someone to love. I played video … Read more

The Plan

|The Plan| It was simple enough, well, not really…It was one of the most convoluted plans I’ve ever created in my entire life. The only simple things about it would be how it could all go wrong. He might not come, he might want to do something else, he might not be keen to the … Read more

Lucas’s love 1

This is my story on how an amazing guy never gave up on me. This boy saved me from my self and I am so proud to say I am in love with him. At first I am less than pleasent but I soon warm up to him. So a little back ground on me. … Read more

My First Adult Cock

My best friend and I had been sucking each others cocks since we were young. We never did cum in each others mouth. After sucking for a while we would jack off until we shot our loads. It was really hot,and I enjoyed 69ing it with him, feeling his cock sliding in and out of … Read more

The Retirees Club (16)

Something hard glanced off my right ear. I dove for cover behind a fallen tree. My companion dove too. He landed in a spot that was just frozen dirt, I was next to a pile of icy snow. Somebody threw an ice ball at me! My companion… I realized it was Tom. I peered over … Read more

My Experience Behind Bars

As the footsteps drew close to the door, I stiffened leaning against my new bed. My eyes were focused on the door; noticing how no one was paying attention to me, busy greeting my cellmate with big smirks. Cruel laughter came from them as they exchanged whispers, occasionally looking back at me. I could tell … Read more

Summer Camp Part 1

It was 4:30 a.m. and my alarm clock was ringing non-stop. I slept through the first 10 minutes because I definitely do not like getting up early, but today we had a new group starting at camp. I actually got a job at the same YMCA camp that I dreaded going to back in the … Read more

The Making of a Sissy Boy Slut Part 5

Here is what I expect to be the penultimate episode of Michael’s sissy experiences and training. I would recommend reading at least chapter three beforehand, if not all of them, as it may then make more sense. I hope you enjoy it and welcome your constructive comments. Thanks for reading – it’s why I write! … Read more