Needing You part 9

“You smell good.” Spicy, sweaty, like a man who had been using his body until his natural musky odor was at its strongest. The irresistible beat was picked up by their hips and Cason let go as they moved together like they were fucking right there on the dance floor. He no longer cared who … Read more

The Family Fuck

Hi all, I’m going to narrate how our family started fucking. I have given importance only to the storyline and so sex will be a little bit brief and the events would be in detail. I am Karan(23) Software engineer in a leading MNC in Bangalore (INDIA). I’m going to narrate you the true incident … Read more

01. Buckley’s – The Bar

After getting thru High school and the traumas I endured, I had finally decided to follow thru with my own destiny. I was nineteen, nervous and about to visit my first gay bar. Having opened the door slightly during my later years at school and my attempt to experiment, I ended up being bullied for … Read more

A Schoolboy’s Secrets – Day Four: A Deep Punishment

Dear Diary, Lying in bed last night was rather interesting. Seems the House Leader (never got his name, damn…) is more than people think. I’d never quite had it like that before, I couldn’t help but rolling those memories over in my mind. Although I couldn’t do it too much or I’d never get to … Read more

John and Alex — Part 3

*hums the rest of the tune*… Hey guys, time for another part :). I realize I’m gaining popularity in comments so I must keep writing. If you are new please read Part 1 from my very first series and so on or none of this will make sense. Thanks. By the way, I dislike posting … Read more

Best Night Of Summer 2014

In middle school I found out that I was bisexual. Only my close friends knew I was bisexual. I was bullied a lot because I was bisexual, and I was more attracted to guys than I was to girls. Anyways during my freshman year I realized that I wasn’t bisexual anymore and that I was … Read more

Farmboy (1-7)

This is my third story that i’ve posted so far. It is one of my favorites. If it seems a little hokey in the beginning…read through and I promise you’ll enjoy it. This is a work in progress. Can you guess what will happen next? FARMBOY The bucking sensation from underneath me could only mean … Read more

rich boys love 24

when i went into havreys house we sat and walked about things harvey was making it sound like we wasnt going to last much longer then he asked me “how much longer do you think we will last” i was so shocked and upset by the question he just asked me i walked out of … Read more

Vampiric Love Chpt. 1

Hello, my name is Matthew I’m 5 ft 3 in, I have blond hair just long enough to cover my ears, but cut short in the front to not cover my eyes, I have a very slender physique, blue eyes, I’m in advanced classes at my high school, I’m not the smartest kid but I’m … Read more

Cheat Day

“We were thinking of having a movie night on the eleventh. You down?” Even though Jake couldn’t see my face, I grinned. “A movie night, huh?” I repeated, holding the phone close to my ear. His tongue clicked from the other end of the line. “Well, I mean, if we’re safe about it, and it’s … Read more

Guys Do it Better

I always thought of myself as a pretty straight guy, but sometimes I find myself thinking about guys especially when I’m horny.. Sometimes wonder whether or not I’m gay or bi but most of the time I’m positive I’m straight. I like pussy and I love boobs, but there’s something about dick that makes me … Read more

Football Tournament 2 (7th grade boys having “fun”)

When we finally arrived in Las Vegas, the team had to check into a hotel, which was more like a resort, we had to check into a room. There was about 6-8 boys per room, being that we were a big team with 35 kids they had to squeeze us in. the coaches got there … Read more

Falling Ch. 09

Chapter 9, In which I am not such a bad girl It was weird enough to be having an impromptu dinner party with my estranged parents, but I’d just found out my girlfriend, Stacey, was scheming to restore my access to the family trust. Daddy and Mommy had cut me off after I’d moved in … Read more


It had been almost four years since I was banished from the covenant because of my beliefs about the joining of the bloodlines. I had been brutally beaten and left for dead when Gideon found me. I thought he was so beautiful when I first laid eyes on him. Looking back, I remember how I … Read more

Bateman and Son Photography III

Tim was thrilled and horrified at the same time. Thrilled when he felt the older boys hand squeeze his leg, horrified at the reaction the gentle squeeze created. He hoped Rich didn’t notice the growing bulge in his soaking wet pants, and started looking around the car, trying to get his mind off of the … Read more