rich boys love 25

a few weeks later me and harvey was back to are old self with in the few weeks we planned on going on holiday and it was the day we was going so i woke up really early. i let harvey sleep i got my passport and ticket ready and i did the same for … Read more


I recently bought a used police car – equipped with the spotlight and flashing side lights and an old siren with a bunch of wiring thrown in a box in the trunk. I thought that with the great way these old cars were built and how well they are generally taken care of that I’d … Read more

Fucked on Beach

It was late summer and the campsite was about 5 minutes walk from the beach. I was 18 years old and on a short cycling holiday. The hot sunny summers evening made me want to take off as many of my clothes as I could without being arrested for indecency. So I set off from … Read more

Things to “do” in a Hotel Room

It had been a lovely hot sunny day on the island of Rhodes. Will had been busy exploring the island and taking in the beautiful sights. This was his first holiday alone and he was enjoying the freedom of being able to go where he wanted and do whatever he felt like doing without having … Read more

Kid over the back

There was this kid over the back of our yard; his name was Taylor. He was around twelve years old and though he didn’t appear to be anything special I knew I had to have him, he was shortish and had brown hair streaked with blonde. I was seventeen of medium height and thick brown … Read more

Crush 2

In the last story, Tiel and Jack finally got together after awkward tension built up. They spent the summer getting to know each other in more ways than one. As August came to a close, Jack went back home to get ready for school and they reunited in September. However, the passion that had taken … Read more

My First_(6)

Not so long ago I was strapped for cash… when I say strapped for cash I mean seriously in dept. I was living in a dingy house in Nottingham and I had missed several months’ rent and the guy I shared a house with (not the most pleasant of characters) had threatened to break my … Read more

Webcam Boys Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Restart at Checkpoint John Watson was generally a happy boy. He was usually the cheerful jokester in a group; his talent for wit and playful sarcasm often making everyone in the vicinity laugh and snigger. He was the level-headed boy who would perk up an otherwise sombre encounter, or the one who would … Read more

Helping Rob’s Dad

I lost my anal virginity when I was fifteen, when one of the school prefect’s called Rob made me his personal fuck toy. Later Rob mentioned our fuck sessions to his divorced father. Apparently Rob and his father had a good relationship although Rob lived with his mother after his parents were divorced. Rob and … Read more

Enslaving Rico Part 3

Enslaving Rico chapter 3 Milky Revenge Rico couldn’t decide what to wear today because for one thing, he neither has thick briefs nor boxers to cover up his condom wrapped dick with a taped vibrator inside. He was not hard because the vibrator wasn’t turned on yet but oh the horrors he was about to … Read more

Welcome to the family

“All right! Glad to have you aboard Brian”, Mr. Jones said. “Just one more thing though…”, his face had went cold as his eyes locked onto mine. “Don’t ever touch my daughter”. I’ve often reflected on that first day. I was young, dumb, and certainly full of cum. I had the best of intentions and … Read more

rich boys love 6

i smiled at harvey as the shower water was hitting us and said i dont mind. harvey came a little closer to me and started kissing me again i opened the shower door and lead him into my bed room still kissing he stripped and landed on my bed. me and harvey was kissing each … Read more

Possessed – Part III

Aggression had always been part of Nathan’s psyche and had led him into trouble, arguably had even led him here to his mental prison. But this aggression had also meant Nathan was a fighter. He’d taking beatings from his dad and bullies. He’d survived in youth detention by ensuring his anger was channelled right when … Read more

rich boys love 15

after school i got into my car and went home i told my parent about what had happened today and they was happy for me. in the heat of everything i forgot i had a dance lesson {dancing its my biggest passion} so i ran upstairs got changed and went to my lesson i had … Read more

The Dancers Fight

It was two years after the boys had graduated high school. Chris was in his second year at University for Stage management and Jacob was doing a carpentry apprenticeship. The University Chris was at had weird hours and lectures usually ran into the night. They were living together in a small apartment. Chris’ mum was … Read more

First time with a boy

When I reached puberty as young boys do I would have many wet dreams, and when I found I had cum in my sleep would play with myself for hours. I always like being nude, felt sexy not wearing underwear, and touching myself in public with my hand through a hole in a pocket. Sort … Read more