3 love dove love shove

5 HOT SHOT Jeff runs to answer the door…. “Dad, Alex and Logan are here. Can we play here?” “Sure. Put some clothes on.” With a gleam in his eyes, Logan whispers, “Jeff, do you always run around the house naked?” “No, I saw you coming to the door so I stripped real quick.” “Yeah, … Read more

Gym Class_(0)

Josh: Tall jock, very toned. About 6’0 tall. Seventeen years old, football player. Spends a lot of time in the weight room. Dark skin with curly hair, hair has blond highlights at the tips. Nice ass, toned, tight, firm. Giant cock. Very stereotypical and estimated to be at least eleven inches. Ian: Not as tall … Read more

13] Evening Train

EVENING TRAIN. As usual the line at the ticket counter was quite long. But today I was not in the bored and jaded mood that had become my normal reaction to this daily event. Reaching the station and getting a ticket for my ride home every day, had soon palled and had become a somewhat … Read more

LaMar and Leon (what Just Happened part 2)

After ‘Master’ left me chained there, in what you would have to call and I now realized was a dungeon, I started to panic. I had not wanted to and had been able to avoid dealing with thinking about what master had subjected me to, fucking my ass and not just making me suck on … Read more

rich boys love 17

i have decided to write the rest of my story put please note my story isnt all about sex having saying that this part does have sex in it and btw the person who wrote that comment saying they inpersonate me and harvey when he jacks off your gross! when me and harvey faced the … Read more

David cums onto to his Counsellor

Just to remind you – David was 19 and he lived with his younger sister, a smothering mother and a rather authoritarian father in the apartment upstairs. He was about 5’ 8”, slightly built and his eyes, as I recall, were greyish-blue. He was a studious type, bright and articulate and he always had neat, … Read more

Uncle Ricks big cock

Found this online. Wanted to share it here. My family went to spend some time every summer with my uncle Rick, my dad’s twin brother, on his farm. I loved going because I got to go around the farm with Uncle Rick and even help with some chores. Also I really admired my uncle for … Read more


[b]25 FIGHT OR BE TIGHT? Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school the next day. They can’t stop talking about the game as they take a dip in the pool. Sean gets interrupted with a phone call. Answering the phone as he dries off, “Sean’s Web.” “Hi Sean! It’s Roxanne.” “Sounds like you’re in a … Read more

Enslaving Rico

Enslaving Rico chapter 1 I am not a writer but if you find my work good then please email me. This is just a work of my imagination. My story is inspired by some of the stories I read in the past any similarities are purely coincidental. The Leash Rico was an average 18 year … Read more

A New Planet, A New Kind Of Life Part 2

“I’ve finally returned, I’ve brought this two good looking women and a boy from your world Diego, I managed to brainwash their head, so they could come with me” said the leader. The little creatures needed another man to produce more elixir, but before starting, they needed to insert the millenarian worm inside his urethra … Read more

rich boys love 47_(0)

a few days later i woke up in bed but harvey wasnt there. i got out of bed and said “baby?” when i walked out are room there was a bag packed and harvey was by the door i said “hey babe where are you going?” harvey looked at me and said “leon im sorry … Read more

The Princes Adventure_(1)

Taryn is the son of the High King of the Empire of Kom, encompassing nearly half of the known world, inhabited by many different species of beings, sentient and otherwise. Taryn’s father, grandfather, and great grandfather have worked long and hard unite and expand the empire after a long era of chaos and strife, to … Read more

rich boys love 11

the next morning i work up in harveys arms thinking the night before was amazing. i got out of bed and headed towards the shower on my way to the shower i looked at harvey still fast asleep. i turned around to keep going to the shower when my cell begain to ring without looking … Read more

An older male ba

Back in the 1950s sex wasn’t on my mind at all since I was only about 9 years old. My mother and her girl friend were going shopping together. So we drove over to her place and mom left us to be baby sat by this womans husband. We were supposed to be going swimming … Read more