That damned Beanie part 3

Daniel woke up in the morning and Noah was gone. He went downstairs and it was like Noah had never been there. The next time Daniel saw Noah was in science. The teacher was putting everyone in pairs and Daniel was paired with Noah. ” This is an amazing coincidence.” Daniel said as Noah sat … Read more

Dead man’s pearl (chapters1-5)

Chapter 1) The mayor was puffed up and pompous, and had it not been for the circumstances it might even have been funny. He cleared his throat importantly and read their names, as it was customary. This formality was hardly needed and their names were surely no secret. Still he made and impressive ceremony of … Read more


I just have to write about this experience that happened to me the other night. Stuff like this rarely ever happens, to me. My name is Tom, and I am a normal middle-aged guy. 6 foot tall and 200 pounds, with long dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes. I’m also sporting a 7-inch cut … Read more

Two Friends and I

I have gone to different school in the past but not his kind. I am not a gay guy but I have done things sexually with a guy or two. I was a sophmore in high school and I met this blonde haired kid, hes about 5′ 5” tall. Nice build, blue eyes, just a … Read more

rich boys love 41

the next day started out like normal. when me and harvey woke up he asked me if i wanted some breakfast so i said “yes please baby” so harvey handed me a fruit salad and a protein shake i gave him a kiss and we ate are breakfast i asked him “are we still going … Read more

New Jock Tales Chptr 3 Shphomore Year–13″ and a Ducati

New Jock Tales—Sophomore Year—CH 3—13” and a Ducati About 10:30 there was a knock at the door. “What the fuck” It was Mark Mattox, and he said he had a new deal for me, if I was interested. I said sure, but this deal had nothing to do with sex. He said I would be … Read more

Worrier Village

Life was good in the village that year. Mark had everything a young worrier would want for himself. He had a new sword. A beautiful, and comfortable, new cummling that he had inherited from an uncle that died of an infection, and he had a new lover to be with. He thought about Shasta now, … Read more

Learning To Eat Cum 4

Learning To Eat Cum 4 It was Sunday. Lynne and I spent a leisurely morning catching up on the news and sport. I popped down the bookies, collected a few winnings, placed some bets on the afternoon’s football and met Lynne in the pub. She looked lovingly into my eyes; ‘Thanks for last night’ she … Read more


April 11 Dear Diary, Wow, you should have been with us last week!!! Mr. Foxx took me along with him to San Francisco on business!!! Talk about a wild place, diary, I actually saw two men fucking out in the open in the park and nobody even gave it a second look!!! Mr. Foxx gave … Read more

Sexual Compulsion Out of Space

I pulled away from the telescope momentarily to consider my sanity, and realised that I was quite hungry; it had only been six hours since I ate a truly hearty steak–the last one my freezer was stocked with–but the rumbling could not have been a lie. I abandoned the balcony to arrive almost immediately in … Read more

Paying for the Ride

The city center was still full of people, everybody getting drunk and stumbling towards the nearest club, I was just ready to go home and jerk off. I tried to catch a bus but as I got to the bus stop I realized I just missed it and would have to wait an hour for … Read more

rich boys love 35

when me and harvey got back from are honeymoon we was so inlove when we got back to la harvey come straight to my house and everyone was there to see us it was so heart warming to see everyone wishing us all the best for the future after the party me and harvey went … Read more

Ripe For Picking – Part 2

I met Jerome outside Woodford railway station, in the car park, the day after my visit to the clearing in the wood. ‘We have a problem, Kevin,’ he said softly. ‘The pigs [police] have turned up in force and are searching the wood. Apparently, someone’s gone missing from the local loony bin.’ A police car … Read more

discovering i am gay

So hi everyone, I don’t really know if people read these stories or not but im going to write it in hopes that you all do read it. About me I’m Blake Manor and I have (at this stage) an amazingly beautiful girlfriend called Lizzy (Elizabeth). I live in Buckinghamsire with both of my parents … Read more

The Librarian – Part 6

Tears still running down his face, Daniel slowly walked up to Peter. “I’m not a liar, but I did break my promise. Please forgive me for that,” he quietly asked, barely looking at him. Too much was happening at once, and his mind was almost numb. “Cheating bitch,” Peter hissed, the anger and jealousy evident … Read more

It’s True About Black Men

Incredible, as a normal heterosexual white male, i never believed the rumors that black penises were bigger than ours, but i was proven ever so wrong one day on a walk to a friend’s house. Being well educated and from the suburbs, i nearly never meet inner city people, much less the gangsters and thugs … Read more


By the time I was twenty I had lost my virginity and very much enjoyed both males and females being impressed by my cock as well has having them pleasure it. At twenty-two years of age I met a business lady who was a long way from home. Apparently she was married to a man … Read more


The campus at State U. was so big, and Pete couldn’t get over that fact as he walked across the Quad on this first day of class. As a freshman he had so much to learn about life at a big college like State U. Worries about new classes, being away from home for the … Read more