Patty By Michael K Smith

One comfortably warm afternoon in October, I was taking a nap in my room, having exhausted myself with several hours of freestyle practice. There was no one else in the house, so the sound of the front door opening and closing, followed by girlish giggles on the stair, half woke me. Then some part of … Read more

Audrey’s World Sex Tour

CH.1 THE COLLEGE SEXPERIENCE You probably think that most Mormon girls grow up in a stable family, go to a Mormon college, marry a Mormon man, have 8 children, and live happily ever after. That’s the stereotype isn’t it? That probably is true for most Mormon girls. But the life this one was handed was … Read more

Help for a friend – part 2

Help for a friend Part 2 The doorbell rang at 5:00, right on time. Sue ran to the door and greeted her cousin Allison with a big kiss and hug. “You nervous?” she whispered. “Yeah! I was jumpy on the way over, now I’m shaking.” She said to Sue. I came in from the back … Read more

Love And Lust: Sibling Complications_(2)

I wrote this story years ago but it got deleted due to the age restriction. Supposedly it’s been lifted so I’m posting this again to test the waters and make sure. Enjoy! Everyone has a weird family, but mine is just strange. My name is Alex, I have three little sisters, and we’re spread out … Read more

The Protege chapter 4

The grueling, exhilarating, trip of a lifetime continued with no end in sight. I toured the European offices of LVMH with their Vice President of Human resources, Mr. Renaud. He had become rather fun to be with despite being a handsy old letch at times. He really was quite harmless and easy to manipulate with … Read more

Raven Ch2 – Little Neighbor Boy (The Two Early-Bloomers Meet)

Weeks had passed since Raven’s mini-marathon of masturbation. Since that day, she fucked her little pussy at least once every 24 hours, maybe even more if permitted. She used her fingers and some phallus-shaped foods to get her juices flowing. She was walking home from her newly repaired school, wearing her uniform of a normal … Read more


Jan sat and lingered over her coffee. She had told Wendy, the cafe owner, that she was relaxing and not rushing, so Jan sitting longer than usual would not seem out of place. She had prepared for this morning, anticipating that one of her recent students would call into the cafe. Wesley had just left … Read more

the New Years Party

In my family Christmas is sacred. We follow the Scandinavian traditions at this time of year. Between Boxing Day and New Years we visit family and friends enjoying one another’s company. Starting the evening of December 31 and well into the morning of January 1, my family rocks; it is party time. The children are … Read more

Sophomore Summer Kickoff Party

Well, it’s official. School is out! It’s summer! And that means that my friends and I are now all officially… Sophomores! That can only mean one thing, it’s time to throw a party! This was going to be a blowout to start the summer. I invited everyone. My friends, their friends, pretty much anyone who … Read more

The Skeleton Key Diaries- Part 1

Hi. My name is Cindy and I want to share some of my earliest and fondest memories with you. Most kids are sexually curious; I know I was. By the time I was five I had noticed the difference between my mom and my stepdad. My mom Clarice had long, flowing hair, and my stepdad … Read more

Sissy the Redhead: Big Brother and Mamma P tIV

Sissy the Redhead: Big Brother and Mamma Pt IV “This summer is going to suck,” I said to myself as I walked back to my mom’s house after wasting an hour not catching any fish. After all, I didn’t have any friends around here, we lived out in the country, so I couldn’t walk to … Read more

Untrue confession

It had been three days now since Sister Beatrice had come to him for confession and since then Father David had been unable to get her out of his mind. She had asked him to be her confessor and he agreed thinking she wanted to state the usual of delay in confession or thinking of … Read more

Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 8

Chapter 8 Needless to say we attacked the rest of the season like wild animals, winning game after game. Every game won got me closer to my goal, and with the core group in my pocket I felt confident that I’d soon be up in my daughter. Sabine had just gone on assuming that the … Read more