Back In Time Day 2 Part 2

Andre managed to run out of Jasmine’s house without drawing any attention. He continued to walk home to grab stuff for his history project with Lila. Even though they were done, he knew it’d be suspicious if they asked about it. He approached her house and rang the doorbell. Her dad greeted him politely, even … Read more

Such good friends; Chapter 1–Beth

SUCH GOOD FRIENDS Chapter one–BETH Beth, Jen and Megan were the best of friends and knew each other since kindergarten. Now sophomores, they were envied or lusted after, depending on one’s gender. Beth was a cheerleader, brunette and had the largest boobs. Jen was tall, blonde and was the star middle hitter on the volleyball … Read more

The Amazon Rainforest Part-1

The Rainforest Part-1 1.01 Rain Forest Vacation: 1.02 The Amazon village: 1.03 The Clearing and Preparation: 2.01 Allen, Plant, Shemale Preparation: 2.02 Allen, Plant, Breast Growth: 2.03 Allen, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 2.04 Allen, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 2.05 Allen, Plant, Rectal Enhancement: 2.06 Allen, Plant, Feminization: 2.07 Allen, Daniel, Shemale Mating: 3.01 Sean, Enhancement … Read more

The Company of Wolves

“Man is the Reasoning Animal. Such is the claim. I think it is open to dispute.” -Mark Twain, “What is Man?” *** “What‘s wrong with ‘The Wolf Man‘?” The apartment was quiet. The lights were turned down low. Sean sat on the couch, a respectable distance from Nia, sipping his wine slowly so that he … Read more

Maria’s Favor to a Geek – Chapter 1

Maria, was sitting in her literacy class one day, when she overheard one of her classmates, Michael, talking to his friends about a terrible misfortune he had earlier when he tried talking to a girl he liked. Her initial thought was, “how pathetic”, but as she continued to eavesdrop on their conversation, she started to … Read more

Freedom’s Touch

Ryan The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – … Read more


Mia Arrives I was overjoyed as my surrogate teenage daughter was coming to stay with us for a few weeks. She and her mother have not been getting along very well at all, in fact there is huge resentment between them. Both are to blame but the main problem as I see it is that … Read more

My Best Friend’s Mom_(2)

I got suspicious when my best friend, Mike, started missing class a lot. Sure people get sick, but this had become a regular thing. He’s always had a decent attendance record. We were kind of nerds, got good grades, didn’t have girlfriends, didn’t drink or do drugs, and only ever ditched for some completely nerdy … Read more

Car Jacker

The journey to Florida was forecast to be a long one, so we timed our trip with some extra time to allow for stopping several times along the way. This helped my smoking habit as well, since I knew I wouldn’t be able to last more than an hour or so without one, unless I … Read more

“Damn Mister!” The school teacher and student Pt. 1 (Revised)

My name is Michael Jacobs, I am 17 years old and a junior in high school. I live pretty normal teenage life. I have friends, family, all that. I’m pretty decent looking, 6’0 on the dot, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, nice teeth, and I keep myself well kept. Lately I’ve been wanting to go … Read more