Dominant Teen encounter

Hi, I’m Nick, a 32 year old average looking single. A week ago while browsing and swiping on Tinder, I came across a girl named Brenda, a single mother. A regular good looking girl, with a bit of a naughty look on her face. I liked her picture, read her little profile text, and it … Read more

Daddy Issues Memoirs, Chapter One: Taking Turns

Joy and laughter resounded on the other side of the fence. Almost out drowning the music playing in the background. I heard people talking but I didn’t care to listen what they were saying. As I sat on the porch I gazed at the trees at the end of the yard. The sunlight warmed my … Read more

Uncle Bob’s Carwash

CHAPTER ONE Megan skipped along happily on her way to her very first paying job. Not counting babysitting, of course. She had eagerly been awaiting her 16th birthday so she would be old enough to work at Uncle Bob’s car wash. It was a big bustling business down on the bay by the beach, with … Read more

The Girls Who Shared a Bed

“Are you awake,” I whispered. She didn’t respond. She lay motionless beneath the covers. She lay on her side facing me, and she cuddled a pillow. I could tell, though, by the street light outside that her eyes were closed. I slid my fingers under my panties and guided them through my pubic hair. Cautiously, … Read more

Bella Ana (Chapter 3)

Chapter Three The bus stopped in front of the school, a large rectangular brick building. Ana and Lizzie got off the bus and were greeted by a group of jeering boys. “He look, it’s Lezzie Lizzie,” one of the boys sneered. “Who’s your girlfriend Lezzie Lizzie?” Ana frowned. “I’m not her girlfriend!” The boy sidled … Read more

Gay Mormon BDSM Training – Part 1

As James Bradley blew out the candles on his 18th birthday cake, he couldn’t help but think about how excited he was to start his mission soon. He was a very devout Mormon boy who had read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, and made sure to keep his status of worthiness to fulfill … Read more

Riley’s Dad_(1)

My name is Matt. I’m sixteen years old and 6’ 2”, with light brown hair, and a pretty muscular build. Anyway, it was the last day of freshman year, and I was at my best friend Riley’s house. We’ve known each other since 1st grade and had always been very close friends. It was a … Read more

The Suite Life on Deck: Episode I

It was hot on the SS Tipton. Really hot. The giant cruise ship was currently slowly cruising along the quite waters of the Caribbean Sea, where the sun beat down on the sky deck of the ship with a relentless, burning heat. For Cody Martin, the sun was especially hot. Cody had sensitive skin, and … Read more

Birthday Weekender

Birthday Weekender I really don’t know what possessed me to take this trip. I know it was Josh’s 16th birthday and bringing his younger brother Simon was a given, why on earth did I let them invite 4 of their friends as well. Driving from our home in Hertfordshire UK to our Spanish villa was … Read more

My Pics

Chapter 1 The dirty little bastard. The little prick. I’ll kill the dirty shit. Cut his balls off. What a little bastard. Oh, you think I’m mad? Oh, no, I’m just getting started. I’ll have his balls on my key chain. Little bastard. Okay, look, I know how teens are. I’m one myself. I mean, … Read more

The Old-Man, Across the Way_(1)

Chapter 1 Thomas Anderson was playing football with his friends at the back of his house. His house backed onto a large ten-foot where garages where. He and his friends use this area to play football, cricket and any other games they could think of. All the local kids who lived in this area played … Read more


copyright: Lesley Tara, 2012 Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, … Read more