Pick Me

I love hanging with the guys. It’s such a nice change of pace. Girls are always bringing drama wherever they go. It’s kinda sad that I have to affiliate with them. Everything’s always the men’s fault. Can’t get a nice job? Men. Can’t afford to buy food? Men. Dropped out of college? Men. Can’t seem … Read more

Virgin Sacrifice_(0)

“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying.” -Robert Herrick, “To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time.” *** With his hands bound behind his back, Isaac marched through the woods. Seila walked behind him, prodding him whenever he slowed down. … Read more

Accidental text

Back to the story: Friday night, my wife and I had our friends from the neighbourhood over for drinks. This type of party happens every other weekend and almost always with the same group of 5-10 couples. Before everyone had arrived, the house was clean, everything was ready and my wife was running last minute … Read more


“Can we have two young girls, or two young boys, early twenties? Or perhaps one of each for our mutual sexual pleasure soon? Very soon,” she asked as we increased the tempo of our fucking. “Next week? Please baby, please?,” she moaned as we orgasmed together. Two weeks later we were circulating at a cocktail … Read more

Shane’s Girl

All through highschool, no one had ever asked me out. No boys checked me out, or even looked at me. I was a smart math geek. That was the way things went for me, and I didn’t mind one bit. I wasnt ugly, no. I was alrght looking, actually. I was short, about five feet … Read more

Caught Red Handed Pt. 01

Chapter 1 I pick myself up after being table topped by Ken and Jude. That sounds much worse than it actually is. “Dude, are you okay?” Anthony asks as he helps dust me off as we make our way back to the locker room after practice. “I’m fine…” I mutter. “Why do they have to … Read more

Freddy’s Family Fun1

“Freddy? Wake up, Freddy.” “Huh? What!” Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. “Move over. I’m going to sleep with you.” Freddy knew he wasn’t hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get … Read more

Morning Surprise part 7

Morning Surprise part 7 Sorry about the long delay, work is a bitch. For those new to this series please read the others first, Just click on my name. It will make more sense. I am not a school teacher, for those that want to say check spelling and all that It’s a short story … Read more

First GYN Exam –And My Fantasy Come True

MY FIRST GYN EXAM — MY FANTASY COME TRUE Doc Murphy is my pal–always has been, a buddy! Yeah, I’ve had other friends, but they often changed, I moved, or they moved, they found new friends or I did, whatever. But I could depend on Doc Murphy as my friend–to the death! Well, by that … Read more

Jennie The Giantess

Jennie enjoyed the conversion so far. It was a wonderful experience, from the tables set up in artist alley which was just a menagerie of tremendously talented artists (though some not so talented), to the panels revolving around just about anything anime and oddly, many things not related to anime. The choices were absolutely endless … Read more