Irene learns about sex

We lived in a rural community with my kids having grown up and moved to the city to work and go to university. My brother in law lived on a farm a mile out of town. They had six kids with the youngest two being Judy who was almost twelve and Irene who was fourteen. … Read more

Birth of the Ringtaker # 1

Don’t ask me where it all came from. I just don’t know. I would tell you if I knew, but I don’t. Maybe I have a wire crossed. Maybe there’s too much or too few of the right kind of hormones being secreted. Maybe it’s just there’s a hole in my character. Whatever it is, … Read more

Creatures of the night

Creatures of the night. Marshal John Harris was doing his evening round through town. He could almost taste the anxiety in the air, as he knew the whole town was dreading to face another night with the creatures. It was getting dark; the boys and girls ought to be already locked up in their cribs. … Read more


………………………….., brrr…, dam cool in this house ! ……Pat wondered what she could do to get warm. Stacy and her husband kept their home cool at night. Better for the lungs Pat knew but she was freezing her ass off as she lay on the chesterfield. This light blanket was not doing it for her. … Read more

Broken In By Uncle

I was lying in bed one morning, kind of between that place where you’re asleep and that place where you’re awake. I was sort of dream-thinking about my upcoming trip to my Aunt and Uncle’s house. Every summer we kids went out there, to the farm, and stayed for two months. There were four of … Read more

Incestuous Harem 4: Seducing My Virgin Sister

Melody Samuels “You understand?” my half-brother asked me as I pulled on my panties. “I do,” I said, winking at him. My brother. I had a brother. Clint wasn’t just my cousin like I had thought for the last nineteen years of my life. His father, the man I thought of as Uncle Clinton, was … Read more

The curse part 1

The Curse My name is Sarah, I’m 5’3, reasonable B cup breasts and other than that quite a nice slim body with long blonde hair, my glasses sometimes make me look a bit nerdish but I like the look, it fits in with my interests. I live with my father and 2 brothers, mum died … Read more

Little Girl in the Red Hood (edited)

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a village surrounded by woods, and in it lived a little a girl called Myrna, but her name is not really important since everyone in the village knew her only by Red, due to the red velvet hood she always wore. Her grandmother made … Read more

Amanda Likes Japanese Girls, Final

Amanda Like Japanese Girls, Part 5 “Where did you run off to, young lady?” Amanda inquired when Hina came in the front door. She was watching TV with her dad and Ray in the living room trying not to think about the moves her brother was trying to put on her girlfriend. “I took a … Read more

John’s Dream Girl (chapters 1 through 5)

* * * * * Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights … Read more

The DJ Catches Her Girl.

The DJ Catches Her Girl. Chapter One. It had been a late finish last night, or more accurately, this morning! Three-thirty to be exact. I was knackered and hung over. I enjoyed my work as a mobile Dee Jay, and I was bloody good at it, I could choose where I wanted to work, not … Read more

Chronicles Of A Deviant Arab Girl Chapt. 2

Quick guide to Arabic words used here: Yallah=let’s go, baba=dad but can also be used as a father calling any of his kids and vice versa, hijab=Islamic head covering for women, khaly=Arabic way of saying uncle from moms side Chapter 2 “Oh fuck Noah. Good God yes. No don’t stop please don’t stop no no … Read more