affair with married woman

My parents and I lived in a college town in the 1980s. Dad worked in a local manufacturing plant, and mom stayed home. When I was 15 years old a new family moved into the neighborhood right after Christmas. The family consisted of a man, woman and small boy not quite two years old. The … Read more

First time I had sex_(1)

I had made it through most of my high school years without giving in and having sex. For some reason, although I had pretty much ignored most of the other expectations about myself, I had kept the “keeping myself” lodged in the back of my head. Let me back up a bit. I had started … Read more

The DReAMers part 5

Dreamers part 5 The Universe was coming to an end as the contraction entered its final moments with billions upon billions of stars and planets swept up in the great circular wave that was returning from whence it came. Time and space were shrinking as the small fleet of ships blinked into what was left … Read more

Unanticipated remote working difficulty

‘God, I’m late! My meeting is about to start!’ I yelled by myself seconds after coming from bathroom. I absolutely hate these 9:50 meetings! It should either be exactly something o’clock or half past something. Nothing else. Every time I hear someone saying that “It gives people 5 to 10 minutes time to be ready”, … Read more

Snowbound Encounter

The snow had been relentless and my situation was growing increasingly dire by the minute. This whole trip had devolved into a comedy of errors but now I was courting disaster. I should never have tried to outrun this weather system, tried taking this stupid shortcut, or not fueled up at my last opportunity. The … Read more

Ch. 3: Paula and my House

Enjoy. A couple of weeks passed by and we would have the occasional make out on her front porch but that’s as far as we’d go because of her parents. Until one day her parents got home early one day and told her she could come over to hang out with me for a while. … Read more


When I read erotica, one of the things that most interest me is the first time stories; the tales of people losing their virginity. Most of these are, frankly, fairly silly. Some few are well written and even highly erotic, but unrealistic. Only a few ring true. I lost my virginity, to a boy, at … Read more

I discover the real me Part 01

Part 01 When I was growing up clothes weren’t something that I rushed to put on each day, except in winter. I just never saw the point, I mean it was warm enough to go without and it meant more washing for mum. Both mum and dad were always telling me, “Dani, go and put … Read more


When I was 8 years old, I saw my first real live penis. It was my dads. I saw him getting out of the shower, and as he dried his hair, his beautiful manhood just hung there. I ran to my room and couldnt believe what I saw. I always thought about his penis. What … Read more

First time_(15)

Hi. My name is Jessica. In high school, I was a normal, regular girl; I was about five-foot-seven with a toned body, shoulder-length auburn hair, light white skin, c-cup breasts, and a plump, round, ass. I’m not trying to brag about my attractiveness, because there is something about me that makes me completely sexually undesirable … Read more