A Peculiar Girl’s Best Friend Ch.1

I’d like to consider myself to be a…Normal man. A simple 20-year-old college student with not much on his mind. I had no real ambitions no real dreams I didn’t’ really anything motivating me, just an everyday guy you’d pass on the streets. Completely bland in a way. I enjoy playing games on the weekend … Read more

Tiffany and the First Jack and Jill

<knock-knock> “Yeah, what is it?” “Can I come in?” “Just a sec…” I tucked my semi-hard cock down the leg of my shorts. “C’mon in Jill.” My twin sister opened the door a small way and stood there. “What d’you want?” “Jack, I got a question.” “No.” “You don’t even know what the question is … Read more

A Friendly Favor

More Continuing Explorations For the next month after that first time with Ryan we hung out a lot more. He was still dating someone and I was in the closet, but we enjoyed each other’s company and remained friends. We would often hang out with a bunch of people from school and it seemed like … Read more

Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 1-27 (Revised)

A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged … Read more

My Cousin Tom: Part 1 by

Have you ever had a friend so close it was as if they were your brother? This sort of relationship has existed between my cousin Tom (age 12) and myself (age 16) for several years. Tom does not have an older brother and neither do I. As a result, he has basically become my surrogate … Read more

Ginger learns her lesson: part two

He pulled her body in close so that she could feel his hard cock against her back. “Just one more thing.” he whispered in her ear, as his hands slid toward her crotch. He lifted the front of her skirt with one hand, while the other slipped between her legs. He rubbed his fingers over … Read more

My Collegue – pt 2

Almost a week had past and Colton and I didn’t talk about what he walked in my condo to see. Surprisingly it didn’t make things awkward in the office. When he came into my office he would give me this creepy smile, wink, and then smile bigger. I thought it was because he was remembering … Read more

Young America (Friendship)

This is a heart-felt story and a little more on the serious side than the others, but still has good action. I hope you enjoy it. Ronnie woke up at nine in the morning, like usual, to the warm summer breeze flowing through his open window. As he rubbed his eyes, he noticed his usual … Read more

Mission 2: Paris

The next day I took a plane back to the United States. I had to be careful as the problem with rape is you leave your DNA tithe scene. My agency gave me papers to get through the checkpoints. I caught a cab and headed home. When I arrived back at my apartment, I found … Read more

Secrets of an Officers Daughter Part 3

Secrets of an Officer’s Daughter Part 3: Introduction: The many worlds of our characters are beginning to sexually collide. Small recap from part 2: Carina snuck back into the house seeing her parent’s car in the driveway. She arrived back home from the movies much earlier than expected. She just had a fight with her … Read more

My Uncle Benny

Part 1 Hello everyone. My name is Kaylee. Some of you may already know who I am. If not, here is a brief introduction. I am 18 years old, I graduate high school this year, and I am in love. For the last few years, I have been with the most amazing man I have … Read more

Foster care 3 – extended family???

Now I don’t want you to think I anyway felt safe with my real mom. As her drug use got worse, not only was I having to take care of myself by finding us food and making myself go to school, but there were very scary people in and out of our home. I can … Read more

My Hot Dorm Mate – Part 5 (Final)

CONTINUED FROM PART 4 – CONCLUSION OF THIS SET OF MEMORIES… “Yo – there you are,” said Mark reaching into the dual shower stall to turn on the left-side showerhead. From my showerhead, on the right, the stall was steamed up already. I’d probably been standing there under the water for at least 15 minutes … Read more

Modern Family – Luke’s sexual awakening

It was a quiet afternoon at the Dunphy house and only Luke was there. After going through the tv channels and giving up on finding anything fun, he decided to go look around in his parent’s room. After finding nothimg interesting in his mom’s things – wich he already expected -, he starts to look … Read more