Sexual Adventures of a Schoolgirl Part One

Sigh. How is it that anything could be so boring. Sophie sat quietly at her desk waiting for papers to get passed back. Sophie was always good at school, all As and Bs, but ever since she started high school things had been different. Sophie had thought that a new school would be fun: new … Read more

The Girl’s Dragon, Part I

Temur felt an arm nudge his side, breaking him out of his nap. “Hm, what?” he asked, but the other guard simply pointed down the moonlit road. There, not far distant, he spied a lone traveller in a long cloak, walking towards Keystone’s gate. The stranger rode no horse and carried no pack, but simply … Read more

tennis week

This is my first post, this is FICTION, if it seems “real” then ” thank you” but its still fiction. My name is Marc, I don’t really know where or how to start this but since I’m sworn to secrecy not being allowed to tell any of my friends, this is about my only option … Read more

Digimon: Rise and Fall: Chapter 2: Vanity

Mimi stood in her dressing room getting ready for her performance. All around her were make up artists and hair stylists getting her ready. Her hair was back to her natural brown colour. Her first talent agent told her to drop the pink hair to focus on her more natural beauty. She wore a stylish … Read more

Tender Beginnings

This a true story, the names have been changed to protect all parties concerned.. My name is not important, but for the purpose of the story call me Jane. At 13 years old I was rather developed for my age, my budding breast filling out my B cup bra. Small waisted and a nice firm … Read more

The Marriage Bed

She was married off young. She was fifteen when she married a thirty-five year old man, his name was Rohan. She was afraid of him, and he was turned on by her. She was short, had well placed curves. Her breasts were fairly large for her frame and were often displayed prominently at the top … Read more

The Demons Harem Part Two: First lesson

The Drivers had come and loaded the captive girls into a large wooden cage being pulled by the horses. They threw a thick black tarp over the cage. The girls were never to know the way back to their villages. They would lead new lives now, part of the Demons Harem. The girls had been … Read more

Under a Witch’s Spell Ch. 4

As Olivia and I parted ways, I figured I would slip back to my hotel and sleep in. It was Saturday morning and I figured my opportunity to finish my mission wouldn’t come until the partiers were out later that evening. Being close to closing time for the bars, there would likely be many people … Read more

Melissa and I meet.

I have been writing recently about my wife Melissa and our living our sexual fantasies and growth as a couple. I realized that I had not written about our first experience when were much, much younger. I was young and after serving in the military, I bought a motorcycle and decided to see the country … Read more

Joanie’s Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free. This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasant flashbacks from last night … Read more

Master! Master! Part 8

Part 8: For several days, the whiteout continued. I was learning to live without TV and Internet, though the itch never went away. It was certainly nice to have a vacation and rest with my girls, but that wasn’t to say we weren’t busy. My driveway was bound to get plowed sooner or later, and … Read more

My Mother’s Moist Cunt

I think I was only, just, hitting puberty when I first caught a glimpse of my moms Cunt. Before that, the idea of my ‘Mother’ as a sexual being was utterly ridiculous, I mean, that would be incest, wouldn’t it? I had been at home alone and naturally, being at the beginning of puberty, I … Read more

I’m Legless Not Dickless

I was trying my darnedest to suck my little sister’s tits, but it was proving to be an exercise in futility . She was bouncing wildly on my lap, and I couldn’t keep ahold of them. They were small to begin with, perky and pointy, small Bs that looked great on her short-petite frame, but … Read more