It was in early November that Natalie arrived as a new pupil at the girls-only secondary school in the outer London suburb to which her parents had just moved. Natalie was four months past her sixteenth birthday, a pretty girl with rich brown curly hair falling to her shoulders, deep dark eyes and a slightly … Read more

Locker Room_(1)

We are getting ready for a game, the back of the locker room has kinda cleared out but its still close quarters. I am pretending to put stuff in my bag but am really watching him change. Ive been doing this for the past few weeks now. He wore under armor under his shirt the … Read more

Zendaya’s Descent Into Bestiality

It had been another long night of drinking for Zendaya and her friends in preparation for high school graduation. Her parents had to know she was drinking but had never said anything to her – probably because she usually just had one beer and never did shots or any hard liquor. That is, until tonight… … Read more


THE PERFECT BOY YANCY Yancy floats up to his mom for intimate docking in their pool. Based on art from Pandora’s Box – email me if you want the drawing. Veronica remembered a line from Auntie Mame, “… all the girls crouch down on the floor and pretend to be lady fishes, depositing their eggs … Read more

Road to Hell

Need. Have you ever needed someone so bad you could taste it? Has the burn of whiskey or the warmth of just any body ever not quite been enough? Need has been building in Dean Winchester for a while. And the closer he gets to checking out, the harder it’s becoming for him to resist. … Read more

The Thirteenth Virgin

Judging from the story tags, you might think this is a very dark tale. It is, but there is a happy ending. Enjoy. ********** “Igor, you worthless scum! Get up here!” the speaker in my cell ceiling squawked. I hurried up the long stone stairwell to his laboratory. “Yes, Master?” “This one isn’t a virgin! … Read more

Meeting Ebima

The streetlights were barely visible through the windshield of Christopher’s car, as he navigated his way home. He cursed himself inwardly for not leaving school before the hurricane hit, no doubt his mother would call again, asking his location as she had at least three times in as many minutes. Chris jumped as his phone … Read more

The Awakening, Chapters 1 and 2

The Awakening, Chapter 1, Early Years. May 1998. Their first time. It was graduation day for Jennifer and Matt. They were thrilled to be out of high school. They met in the parking lot after graduation and made arrangements to go to each other’s graduation party. Both families were having graduation parties for their kids … Read more

Jack and Jessie (Revised)

“Dammit!” Didn’t expect it to rain today, so I didn’t have an umbrella or raincoat. Even though I was 18, I didn’t have my license, much less a car. So after school, I made the half mile walk home from school in the rain. Normally, it wouldn’t bother me, but it was still early spring, … Read more

My first time sucking a man

When the internet finally reached us here in Africa, it was slow and exorbitantly expensive. Nowadays it is only a fraction less expensive, but still frustratingly slow. Because of this, the only time I could check out hot and exciting porn on the net was when I finally was alone at work after everyone else … Read more

Shape Shifter

So this a fantasy story of Shape shifters . So I was a 18 yr old boy and I used to live in a small town. I am not like the usual guys who is built , but small and thin .So didnt spend much time with the hot girls, instead spent half my days … Read more

it started with my mom 5

Once my cock was in her…i held on to her car tight and started fucking her virgin pussy with a new filled animal lust….every thrust sending ripples through her body..kellys mouth fell open as the assault began….but no sound came out…instead her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled on me hard making me bottom … Read more

Jake finds a book part 9

Jake finds a book part 9 St Luke’s Presbyterian medical center Denver Colorado: Nurse Chapel made her way through the coma Ward section, next to the terminally ill wing of the hospital. She was feeling absolutely wonderful. She had spent the night with a beautiful Latina woman in a small motel, on her way back … Read more