Exchange trip to France

I’ll first describe myself: I’m a 17 year old Australian guy, I’m relatively tall, 6ft exactly, long brown straight hair that gets bleached by the sun to be blond and I’m a bit lighter than the average build. I keep fit mainly by just doing the odd run every few days, but I don’t work … Read more

Ronnie’s mother

When I was in high school, there was a kid in my class whose name was Ronnie Johnson and who was rather popular, because he was always the first to have all the latest computer games. Everyone always wanted to go home with him after school to play these cool new games. That included me, … Read more

A Highschool Rape Story

It was March of 2015 in a small town of TN. The school year was coming to a close as the halls buzzed with students. You had your groups spaced among the halls from the jocks with their popular girlfriends to the over achievers rushing those final touches on their assignments. Then you had the … Read more

I watched her do it

My girlfriend and i had been going out for about 4months, she was 16 at the time and i was 20 (and believe it or not a virgin), but with such a unexperienced partner it didnt seem like i was gonna get very far anyway. i did love her and now 3 years down the … Read more

The Demi-human Brothel: Cat-girls

Ever since the Demi-human rebellion started the city has been flooded with refugees and soldiers. At first business was at a near standstill but as things settled down the money started rolling in. Rich lords and nobles, soldiers far from home and missing their wives, construction workers assigned to fortifying the city, and even the … Read more

evil gets a fuck

This is a fictional gay story in which I have tried to express the feelings of a growing gay boy who wants some fun with some other boys. All the names of the characters in this story are fictional and the story includes some sexual activities amongst boys who are aged between 11 to 16 … Read more

Their Stories – Final Chapter

The Final Chapter Bobby took the plunge. “Do you want somebody to make you feel good?” “Uh-huh,” Lynette said, looking him in the eyes. “That feels good what you’re doin’ on my leg.” “Would you like me to make you feel good, Lynette?” he asked, almost in a whisper. “Yeah,” she said, also hoarsely. “Will … Read more

The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 6

Please begin by reading chapters 1 to 5. Chapter 6: Ricky helps his mother The time passed slowly for Ricky while Lacey was gone to California. He was very lonely and now knew that Lacey was so much more than his best friend. He also found himself to be sexually frustrated. Sure, he knew how … Read more

Caught My Sister Getting Fucked By Our Cousin

I wiped my forehead of sweat, grumbling and kicking a rock down the dusty farm track I was trudging along, cursing my parents’ stupidly good luck. They were probably having the time of their lives, enjoying the romantic three-week Alaskan cruise they’d won at a fundraiser auction at my sister’s school, which was the reason … Read more

Jake’s Adventures: Part I_(0)

This is my first story, so positive criticism is welcome. There is a fair amount of intro and backstory so be forewarned, that’s only because this is planned to be a deep story with multiple parts. And the intimate parts are not the most extensive. I was going to add something else after where it … Read more

Two Sisters_(2)

I’m Annie. I’m 16 and I have a 15 year old sister, Heidi. We’re pretty close. I have chest length dark brown hair while she has light brown really curly hair. I’m taller than her, which is good. And our bodies, well she has an ok butt and kinda big breasts, I’ve not really looked … Read more