Revolutionary Magic #101: Magical Lessonings by

Nessa dourly lifted the handle on the door for what seemed like the hundredth time. “Nessa! You weren’t even trying that time!” Bellemir exclaimed. The two women stood on the narrow stone stairway that circled the castle’s central keep. While Nessa stood in front of the door leading to the baron’s private quarters, Bellemir stood … Read more

Coping with Retirement, part 5 – Sibling Rivalry

“So what have you been up to?” I asked my little brother John. Something about him was making me suspect he’d been spending time with my wilful younger sister Lettie and her promiscuous friend Janie Simmonds. “Nothing!” said John, looking a bit guilty, “just playing with my friends.” “At Mr Whitaker’s?” “He’s very nice, Mum … Read more

My First Bestiality Experience: The Dog

All families have secrets. Some are small. Some are big. Some are so extreme minds are blown and relationships forever altered at the mere mention of them. That is the kind of secret my family had been keeping from me for the past eighteen years. It was my birthday. My eighteenth birthday. As all young … Read more

Jay and Amy part 4

Jay and Amy part 4 “Open your eyes baby,” I try snuggling back into the warm spot but then I’m move onto my back. “Baby, you’re killing me,” why does Jay keep talking while I’m sleeping. “Babe,” I finally I open my eyes and Jay’s above me with a strain expression. “What’s wrong?” I ask. … Read more

First time with mom x

The night I first fucked my mother was undoubtedly the happiest time in my life, although it has been nearly equaled many times since in our torrid love life. It happened in her father’s house way back in the hills of Kentucky. We got word that my grandfather was in very poor health, and Mom … Read more

Aria’s New Life Pt. I

Aria I wasn’t supposed to be working that night. As usual, I was nice and took one of my coworker’s shift; I didn’t have a life outside of this place anyways. More money for me and less I would have to worry about later for my one-bedroom apartment that cost me an arm and a … Read more

Fuckin’ Dog – Part 1: The Cousin

—Prologue— I live in a world you may not understand. Call me a liar if you like, but do not be surprised if I remain unfazed. I have been called far worse. But the purpose of this story is not to debate the laws of nature. I have put pen to paper for one reason … Read more

Give it a shot pt. 2

A month has passed since the beginning of the sexual relationship between Danny and I. We decided to keep it a secret between ourselves. I was happy with Danny. In fact at that moment I had never been happier. But there was one thing missing. Danny and I never had anal sex. So far Danny … Read more

Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life pt1

Sometimes to better understand the “whole”, the big picture in its present state you must pick a thread and follow it back through the weave to earlier times or events, to see the interactions that colored that thread or created it. Often one thread is formed from multiple smaller connected threads, much like the cloth … Read more

Confessions of an underaged massage therapist

Confessions of an underaged massage therapist Chapter one – My beginning I don’t want to go into a lot of detail about my age, since it might cause problems if the wrong person reads this and connects this writing back to me. I have enough problems without that. Suffice to say, I am just passed … Read more

Peeping Tom: Part 1

I had an early morning paper route. It was a good way to pick up some extra money; I had no idea what else I would pick up. Part of my route included some apartment buildings where a lot of students from the local university lived. It was easier to go behind the building than … Read more

My first time with a tranny

My first time with a tranny It happened on a Monday morning. After waking up with a throbbing hard-on. I called up my regular booty call. But she couldn’t make it. Because her husband stayed home from work that day. So I decided to browse Craigslist, looking for someone local. After posting my ad, looking … Read more

Slums to Sluts

We were finally moving out of the trailer park! My mom had said, bursting into my room the day it happened.
“Harper! He did it! Ethan finally asked me to marry him!” I was ecstatic. Harley, my mom, had been working this guy for months, and I had started to think it was another dead end, … Read more

Erica Tied Up and Raped Chapter 2_(2)

At 6pm varsity football practice had finished. A group of players were tired from practice and the captain had to stop by the restroom to take a piss. He heard a muffled cry from the bathroom stall. The football captain ran to the bathroom stall where he heard the voice and opened it. There he … Read more