My New Brother Zane

School was about to end. It was the summer of my junior year of high school, and finals were coming up right after prom. Prom was a different story, though, so I’ll skip out on the details there. I was just about to turn 17 that June, so by far one of the youngest in … Read more

Trying Too Hard – 1

Trying too hard My name is John. And I’m a gay man. Not flaming mind you. Not some frilly guy that makes you uncomfortable when he walks into the room. No. No flashy walk. No flashy clothes. No. I’m just a regular guy that likes… well… guys. I wouldn’t normally even consider myself gay. I’ve … Read more

Can you help me?

This is about a computer repair that turned into more. It started on a Saturday in September of 2014. I’m in the computer networking business and everyone around here knows that. I was on a site something like F**kbook and a hot chat with pictures got me a bit hard to say the least. There … Read more

Solomon’s Daughters: Liz’s Chapter

Author’s Note: Thank you everyone who voted and sent me such nice pm’s and comments I appreciate the positive and constructive feedback. To answer some questions yes I will be including other paranormal and sci-fi being into the series in later posts. Also yes I will try to add in some requested scenarios as long … Read more

Chuck’s ba

“I’m not ready for this.” Chuck said to Annie, his sister-in-law, and wife of his younger brother. “Well get ready,” Annie stated matter of factly “She’s growing up.” Chuck rubbed his hand over his unshaven chin and sighed deeply. “Damn, Annie, I don’t know nothin’ ’bout bras, boys, and such bullshit.” Annie looked sympathetically at … Read more


“For the panic of the wilderness called to him in that far voice—the power of untamed distance, the desolation that destroys. He knew in that moment all the pains of someone hopelessly and irretrievably. He had seen the Wendigo.” -Algernon Blackwood, “The Wendigo”. *** Four of us went up: Shawna, Eric, Karina, and me. I’m … Read more

Just Us 3

the following happened when I was a junior in college. I had moved into my fraternity house for the spring semester of the school year. Living with 40 others guys was going to be a big change. I had grown pretty close with my fraternity brothers and loved hanging out with them. I could handle … Read more

First Contact_(0)

PLEASE RATE IT & GIVE COMMENT TOO First Contact It was a just starting of last december when I met these girl. She was in tenth grade myself.She was pretty cute & has a nice busty figure.Her name was Arnesha.In fact I & she was very close friends.Share many jokes, some nasty one too.As these … Read more


THE FIRST TIME COUPLE: Part 1 This is a fictitious story which I have based on true accounts from friends, along with personal experience. This is not a hard sex story; it is the commencement of a romantic tale of first experiences and the feelings experienced by many, many people, when confronted by sexual situations … Read more

Rite of Passage Ch.04

Jamie looked down at his shoes concentrating, they were new, like the rest of his outfit that he now wore, new and unfamiliar, but somehow comfortable, like the whole facade he was now displaying to the world. The slight heels on them demanding focus on walking to save himself from any danger of falling, or … Read more