08] Gay Beginnings Part 1.

Readers…..it is with some hesitation that I am posting this story. It took much soul searching to decide to allow complete strangers to have a peek into my life. But this is who I am and what I was…..If you are offended by gay sexand youthfull explorations please dont read it. If you do read … Read more

Accidental Island Incest

Accidental Island Incest Joe snapped awake and saw a blue cloudless sky above him. He slowly sat up with a groan and saw nothing but blue ocean and sand. “Where the hell?..” And then he remembered. He was going on a boat trip for the day, it stared out fun but just as they were … Read more

The Lost Warrior

The heat of the sun beat down on the tired figure as he strode forward, his steps nothing but shuffling of feet as he wandered the desert plains aimlessly. Had it been days? No surely weeks had passed, or even months perhaps. Or maybe it had only been hours since he began walking, and the … Read more

Pleasure Island: The Bikini Chapter 2

PLEASURE ISLAND: The Bikini Chapter 2 Go Get A Drink With Wendy You hand the box back to the bar tender and can’t help but notice how long his eyes linger on you. You blush and feel an erection start. Wait, that doesn’t happen anymore. “I suppose it’s just getting happy in the pants,” you … Read more

Solomon’s Daughters: Galina’s Chapter

Solomon’s Daughters: Galina’s Chapter Anthony woke with Mina pressed back into his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Looking around the room in confusion he tried to remember how he had gotten here. He remembered he and gone into the goblin tunnels but it began to get fuzzy from there. He was pretty … Read more

Watch and Learn_(0)

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” asked Jen as Kevin turned off the highway onto an old dirt road. “Quite sure,” he replied. Kevin is my older brother. He met Jen at school and they’d been seeing each other for a few months now. Summer vacation had just started and he said he … Read more

A Young Girl’s Adventures with Rape – Part Three

Time seemed to slow, as he crunched across the gravel towards me. Whoever he was, I could hear his boots grinding against the dirt, his tread loud and heavy. He sounded big. He sounded really big. “What are you doing here, hun?” He said, stopping in front of me. My heart beat faster in my … Read more

The Bite Chapter 5

Please read chapters 1-4 I followed my sister in law, Kristin, into her bedroom from the bathroom where she had recently showered, brushed her teeth, and combed her hair. Before ordering her into the bedroom, she had whispered to me, “Fuck me… please? I want you to slowly stretch out my tiny virgin pussy until … Read more

The Mind Control Device Chapter 23: Mind-Controlled Daughter Delight

I just spent $10,000 on what had to be a hoax, but my fellow U.S. attorney, Gina Brand, was right. How else to explain what was going on around this man. FBI agents didn’t march into a police precinct and come out thinking that a man could do no wrong. That he could break any … Read more

Boarding School Encounter 04: Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid

“Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her … Read more

Chocolates for sale Part 3

After lunch Becky and Nicole hopped on their bikes and cycled out to my place making plans as the came. If my wife came to the door they would try and sell her some chocolates and ask about chores in order to earn some spending money. Becky told Nicole not to let on that she … Read more

Bumpy Roads

The most common sentence used towards me has always been, ‘Matt you are just not living up to your potential.’ At first, in high school, I purposely tried to confirm those words by getting fifties on tests and handing in assignments late…even though I was capable of nineties…I just didn’t see the purpose of doing … Read more

A Present From Vivienne

Dear reader, I felt I was missing out on the Halloween experience. Almost a traditional vampire story but nothing too dark. I am happy to receive comments and PM’s. As always, I welcome your thoughts and constructive criticism. ————– I haven’t lived this long by being reckless. Other vampires wish for the old days, but … Read more

sex story :introduction and back story (completely rewritten

Warning Reader beware the following sex story’s contain in this book are of adult content and highly erotic contents scenes of graphic language and extreme sexual de***********ions these stories should only be read by Persons of 18 years and older, None of these stories can be copy and re-translated without express written permission from the … Read more